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Concept of entry closing of A.S.I.A.

Outline of entry closing

A.S.I.A. features to perform entry closing for each entry (it prevents the user from saving data on the entry date before the closing date even in the current year) in the Closing Control Module. 
See the following chart of closing outline.  

Accounting closing

It prevents entry in the term and data level in which closing was executed in [Accounting closing].  "Voucher entry date" on the following menu is the closing object.

Module Menu   Module Menu

General  accounting

Transfer voucher, Receiving voucher,  Payment voucher, Voucher approval


Fixed assets

Auto-journalize depreciation

Multi-currency accounting

Transfer voucher, Receiving voucher,  Payment voucher, Voucher approval, Revaluation for FC


Claims control

Execute auto-journal

Absorption processing

Execute absorption journal


Debts control

Execute auto-journal

Deferred tax accounting

Execute deferred tax accounting


Expenses management

Execute auto-journal

Deferred account control

Auto-journalize prepaid expenses depreciation, Auto-journalize deferred revenue depreciation


Inventory control

Inventory auto-journal, Inventory market valuation

Claims/Debts closing

It prevents entry in summary department (including entry department under the control of summary department and Warehouse/Process department) that performed closing, on the entry date before the closing date when closing was executed in [Claims/Debts closing].  "Entry date" on the following menu is the closing object.

Module Menu Approval   Module Menu Approval

Uncollected control

Claims entry



Debts control

Create monthly payment notice data


Continual claims entry



Repayment commit entry             


Claims data approval



Lease payment commit entry


Unpaid Control

Debts entry



Expenses management

All entry (including browser expenses management)


Continual debts entry



Sales control

Sales entry


Debts data approval



Sales approval


Claims control

Create monthly invoice data



Purchase control

Purchase entry


Purchase approval


Other closing

It prevents entry in the term and data level in which entry closing was executed in [Other closing]. 
"Voucher entry date" on the following menu is the closing object.

Module Menu   Module Menu

Deferred account control

Deferred account entry (prepaid expense), Deferred account entry (deferred revenue)


Claims control

Settle claims (Checking object is "Settle entry date"), Offset claims/debts

Investment securities

Stock trade entry, Claims trade entry, Fund trade entry, Dividend/Interest entry, Closing revaluation


Notes receivable


Create receipt of notes receivable data, Notes receivable entry, Settle (NR/claims) (checking object is "Settle entry date"), Update notes receivable status

Borrowings control

Borrowings entry


Debts control

Settle debts (checking object is "Settle entry date"), Offset claims/debts

Treasury stock management

All entry


Notes payable

Notes payable entry, Bulk notes payable entry, Update notes payable status

Bank account control

Settle (receipt/claims) (checking object is "Settle entry date"), Settle/Auto-journalize auto-transfer data


Expenses management

Settle expenses management data

Entry date is not checked in fixed assets/leases assets management because depreciation start/end date is more counted than entry date in those modules. 

Inventory closing

It prevents entry in summary department (including entry Dept under the control of summary department and Warehouse/Process) that performed closing, on the entry date before the closing date when closing was executed in [Inventory closing].  "Entry date" on the following menu is the closing object.

Module Menu   Module Menu

Shipping control

Shipping order list, Shipping entry, Direct shipping entry


Inventory control

Outgoing entry, Incoming entry, Inventory moving entry, Bulk moving entry, Inventory T/F entry

Arriving control

Arriving entry


Actual manufacturing management

Production schedule entry, Production entry


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