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A.S.I.A. screen configuration

The following shows configuration element names, functions and how to operate screens in A.S.I.A.

Login screen

When A.S.I.A. starts up, the following login screen is displayed.  Enter the "Company code," "Operator ID" and "Password" and select the language used from "Language."  Next, select the function screen using the button on the left side.  If the entered information is correct, the function screen will start.

It is possible to change the login password in [Change Password] screen displayed by clicking on the "Change password" button.

Function screen

When login is successful, the function screen is displayed.  Select a process from the "Menu" button on this screen and the processes screen will be displayed.  Also, it is possible to start other function screens directly using the selection buttons on the left side of the screen. 

  1. System/module/function button
    When selecting systems, modules and functions from the list, the function window is displayed.
  2. "Menu" button
    When this button is clicked, the menu list that can be used in the function that is operating is displayed.  Select and click a menu and the process screen is displayed in the window.
  3. "Window" button
    When more than one process screen is operating, this is used to make the window easy to see.  When this button is clicked, the menus are displayed in the following menus.
  1. "Format" button
    This button is used to adjust the format when there is a spread sheet (tabular form) on the process screen.  When this button is clicked, the following menus are displayed.


When the "Auto-adjusting column" is selected and the amount is entered in the spread part, please be careful about the cell width.
When the "Auto-adjusting column" is selected, the cell width is adjusted automatically according to the entered characters and numbers.  It may not be possible to enter characters and numbers more than are already entered.

The following example displays the case when only 3 digits in front of the decimal can be entered and 4 digits after the decimal can be entered.
So, in this case, drag the cell border to the right to make the width wider and enter the amount.

  1. "About A.S.I.A." button
    A.S.I.A. version information is displayed.
  2. "Exit" button
    This button closes the operating function window.  When more than one window is opened, only the window that is clicked is closed.  When the "Exit" button is clicked on the only window that is opened, A.S.I.A. is logged off.
  3. Login user information
    User information that is logged in on A.S.I.A. now is displayed.
    From the left side, there is "Login company code," "Login company," "Login user code" and "Login user name."
  4. Online manual startup button
    When the button that has the A.S.I.A. logo is clicked, the HTML file that has item comments from the window that is now open is displayed.

Process screen

Here, common elements for each process screen are explained.

Pop-up screen

When a text box is double-clicked or a cell of the spread sheet is right-clicked, the pop-up screen is displayed to select master data and voucher No.
The following pop-up screen sample is for selecting a "Registered employee as operator" that is displayed by double-clicking the "In charge" item.

  1. Searching key
    This key is used to narrow down the pop-up display contents that are entered in when "Searching" using the alphabet at master data registration.

    In the default, usually the "*" tab is selected and the pop-up is displayed with all master data that can be selected in the entry screen.  Master data that can be selected is master data that has the "Active" check box OFF, so it can not be selected for entry but can be selected for output forms.

    In the pop-up for sales/purchase goods, master data that has entered characters from entry screen items at the beginning are displayed.
  2. Searching
    This is used for narrowing pop-up display contents by master data "Code" and "Name."  Select the searching object by the option button and enter the searching string and then click the "OK" button.  Fuzzy searching is possible when the character string is specified.
  3. "Name1/2" button
    This is the same function as the "Convert name" button on the process screen.  This switches "Name 1" and "Name 2" that are displayed from the list.
  4. List
    A list of master data that can be entered is displayed.
    Before narrowing down by the searching key and character string, a list that is already narrowed down may be displayed.  For example, the correspondent of "Vendor" from the "Correspondent type" can not be specified for the "Accountee."  So, if the pop-up is displayed in the "Accountee," the list of correspondents outside of the "Vendor" is displayed.  Also, only departments that have authority are displayed at department selection.
  5. Buttons

In the pop-up for the voucher number, the data level selection tab is displayed instead of the searching key and the "Entry date" is added to searching.

Fuzzy searching (Wildcard searching)

"Fuzzy searching (wildcard searching)" using "*" and "?" for searching characters when the master and number range such as forms, data searching and pop-up screens are specified.

Searching condition sample

Search result sample


All data is the searching object. However, no data is excluded.


Only data that has the word "Account" at the end is the searching object.


Only data that has "X" at the beginning is the searching object.  The number of characters from the second character is not considered.


Only data with which the 3rd character or subsequent ones is "Account"  is the searching object.
Only data that has "Account" as the 3rd character is the searching object.  
(Example) When the word "01Account" is extracted, enter "??Account."  It can not be extracted by "????Account."


Only data that has "AA" as the 3rd and 4th characters is the searching object.  The number of characters from the 5th character is not considered.


Only data that has "AA" as the 5th and 6th character is the searching object.

When "*" and "?" are used for the beginning items (from) of the range specification field, the exit item (to) and "-" are hidden.  "*" and "?" can not be entered as the exit item.


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