Procedure for execute absorption journal
Function outline
Based on the absorption patterns checked for the validity of execution, an absorption journal is performed.
1.Screen display method
- Select [Additional Accounting] → [Absorption Processing] → [Execute].
- From the menu, choose [Execute
Absorption Journal].
→ [Execute absorption journal] screen is displayed.
2.Absorption scenario selection
→To Menu Reference
- In "Scenario", enter an absorption scenario code to be used for Auto-journal.
- Click "Refer(X)" button.
→ The absorption patterns registered in the selected scenario are displayed in a [Spread].
3.Absorption pattern selection
- Make sure that the [Execute] checkbox of the absorption pattern to be used in auto-journal is marked.
- Click "Execute(S)" button.
→ The absorption journal is started.
4.Delete absorption journal
- Select "Modify" from "New/modify" in a [Header].
- Enter the code of the scenario for which the absorption journal to be deleted has been executed.
- Click "Refer(X)" button.
→ The absorption patterns executed in the selected scenario are displayed in a [Spread].
- Make sure that the [Execute] and [Executed] checkboxes of the absorption patterns for which the absorption journal to be deleted has been executed is marked.
- Click "Delete(D)" button.
→ The absorption journal is deleted.
When other users have opened [Register absorption pattern] and [Register absorption scenario] screens, an error message appears and Execute absorption journal] screen can not be initiated.