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Procedure for create monthly invoice data

Function outline

Using Create Monthly Invoice Data, monthly invoice data can be prepared from claims and sales claims data already registered.
Then, monthly invoices can be issued from [Issue Monthly Invoice] after the monthly invoice data has been prepared. Only claims and sales entry data for which the "Invoice Type" is "Monthly Invoice" is summarized.

1. Screen display method

  1. Select [Claims] → [Claims Control] → [Entry]
  2. Select [Create Monthly Invoice Data] from the menu
    → The [Create monthly invoice data (from/to)] screen will be displayed.

2. Searching conditions entry

→To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the voucher searching conditions for the data to prepare the monthly invoice, and click the "Refer (X)" button.
    In order to improve the searching speed, make the searching conditions as specific as possible.

3. Data object specification

  1. Place a mark in the Object check boxes for the data to be used in invoice creation.
  2. By clicking the "Set All (H)" button, all the searched data check boxes will be marked.
  3. By clicking the "Create (P)" button, the [Create Monthly Invoice Data (Details)] screen will open, and detailed information will be shown for the row where the cursor is located. Confirm the details under the [Voucher] tab, and save it with the [Create Monthly Invoice Data] tab.
  4. By clicking the "Create All (A)" button, the monthly invoices for the data with marks in the Object check boxes will be issued. Then, the rows where the monthly invoice data was prepared will have marks in the Created check boxes.
  5. Click the "Exit (E)" button.

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