Settling adjustment entry
If the settle amt and actual payment Amt in the Details entry screen are not identical, the difference is adjusted. However, only the settle currency can be used for the adjustment currency.
Example: If 9,800 yen is to be paid for an accounts payable Amt of 10,000 yen, the difference of 200 yen is to be entered to A/C based on its reason (such as "Miscellaneous profit", etc.)
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Debts Control Module]
[Settle Debts]
[Settle debts (from/to)] screen
debts (Set object)] screen
debts (Details entry)] screen
[Settle Debts (Adjustment Entry)] screen
Item description
- Entry date
Displays the settle entry date. The settle entry date cannot be modified.
Settle internal No.
Displays the settle internal number. The settle internal number cannot be modified.
- Settle No.
Displays the settle number. The settle number cannot be modified.
- Settle row No.
Displays the settle row number. The settle row number cannot be modified.
- Currency
For adjustment to a std currency row, or a row with a foreign currency entry in which the "Settle (SC)" option is selected, the std currency is displayed.
For adjustment to a row with a foreign currency entry in which the "Settle (SC)" option is not selected, the foreign currency Amt of the "debts" is displayed.
- Rate type/Rate
For adjustment to a std currency row, or a row with a foreign currency entry in which the "Settle (SC)" option is selected, the rate type and rate are displayed as "No settlement", and "1.000000" respectively.
For adjustment to a row with a foreign currency entry in which the "Settle (SC)" option is not selected, the rate type and rate are displayed using the values specified in the Details entry screen.
- Memo
Memo can be entered up to 100 half-byte characters or 50 single-byte characters.
- Post pad
- Differenct
- Adjustment Amt
- Row No.
Displays the row number in the spreadsheet. The row number cannot be modified.
- Adjustment type
Select "Expenses/Temp Pay VAT (Dr)" or "Profit Temp S order VAT (Cr)."
Expenses/Temp Pay VAT (Dr)
Adjustment of Dr properties such as miscellaneous losses, commissions, and Temp payment VAT (Dr),etc.
Profit Temp S order VAT (Cr)
Adjustment of Cr properties such as miscellaneous profits and Temp sales order VAT (Cr), etc.
- A/C, Sub A/C
Enters the adjustment A/C. Only an A/C selected in the Register A/C and Sub A/C in which the "Debts control object" option is activated can be selected. In addition, if the department is designated as a "Manufacturing dept," only an A/C in which the "Manufacturing cost" option is selected in the Register A/C and Sub A/C screen can be selected.
- Taxable type
The taxable type can only be entered when the A/C, sub A/C is set to "Taxable."
- Dept
Enters the department for the adjustment entry. The default is the payment dept specified in the Details Entry screen. The default may be modified.
If the A/C, sub A/C is set to "Manufacturing cost," only a department selected as a "Manufacturing dept" can be entered.
- Accountee
Enters the accountee for the adjustment entry. The default accountee is specified in the payment plan, but may be modified.
- D description
Enters the d description.
- Internal/External type
The internal/external type can only be selected when the A/C option is set to "Taxable" for the A/C, sub A/C.
- Amt/Tax
Enters the adjustment amt. If the internal external type is set to "Internal," the amt including tax is entered.
- Amt/Tax (SC)
Displays the calculated tax.
- Project code 1, 2
Enters the project codes for the adjustment entry. The default project codes are specified in the Details Entry screen, but may be modified.
- Accounting analysis code 1, 2
Enters the accounting analysis codes for the adjustment entry. The default accounting analysis codes are specified in the Details Entry screen, but may be modified.
Displays the details rows of committed adjustments.
To modify a committed detail row, select the desired row in the [spreadsheet]. The row data will be displayed in the [details], which can be modified before recommitting the adjustment.
- Commit
- Add row
- Delete row
- Name 1/2
- Tax A/C
Clicking this button adds the "A/C" and "Sub A/C" data to the last row of the detail row. The setup is based on the "Temp sales order VAT/sub A/C" and "Suspended payment VAT/A/C and Sub A/C" items from the [Parameter Setup].
- Clear
- Delete
- Exit
Returns to the Details Entry screen.