Procedures for Entering even-up t-expns, even-up e-expns, and
even-up expns (std, foreign currency)
Enter the even-up data for T-expenses,
E-expenses, and expenses.
The entry method of these even-up data is basically the same. This section explains the process using
even-up T-expns entry as an example.
display method
- Click "Even-up T-Expns entry."
→ The [Header information entry] screen will be displayed.
suspended payment of T-Expns data
→ To Menu Reference
- When entering even-up data for suspended payment of T-expns data,
enter the "Suspended payment of T-Expns No." to retrieve the suspended payment
of T-expns data and make changes to the items as necessary.
Procedures without retrieving the suspended payment of T-expns data is the same
as the procedure to enter suspended payment of T-expns.
- Click the "Save" button.
even-up T-expns data
- Enter the "Even-up T-Expns No."
→ The current even-up T-expns will be displayed
- Click the "Delete" button.