Procedure for execute GUI No. numbering
Executes bulk numbering of the GUI No. for the sales data which GUI No. is set as "set all".
1. Screen display method
- [Sales Control] → [Sales
Control] → [Update]
- Select [Execute GUI No. Numbering] from the menu.
→ The [Execute GUI No. numbering] screen is displayed.
2. Execute GUI No. numbering
→To Menu Reference
- Specify the searching conditions of the data for which bulk numbering will be executed. Specify the period and entry date.
The period options are determined by the periods specified from the "GUI No. Numbering Setup" screen of the logistics master.
- Click the "Refer (X)" button.
→ The list of sales data is displayed.
Only data for which the "Set all" option was selected for the GUI No. is displayed.
3. Confirm GUI No. Setup
- Click the "Refer (W)" button in the GUI No. Setup area.
→ The GUI No. setup is listed in the spreadsheet displayed
in the GUI No. Setup area.
- Select the Object of execution checkbox of the desired sales data. The GUI No. will be assigned to the selected sales data.
To assign a GUI No. to all the listed data, click the "Set All (H)" button in the [Object of Execute Numbering] area.
- The user can confirm the details of the sales data by clicking on the "Detail (D)" button after selecting the listed sales data. The sales data details cannot be modified.
- Click the "Execute (A)" button.
→ GUI numbers are assigned to the listed sales data.