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Concept of multiple language processes in A.S.I.A.

 Multiple language structure

A.S.I.A. is compliant with multiple language systems.  It is possible to enter data, do screen operations and output single forms and forms in multiple languages.
For example, when operating in Japanese, Chinese and English, if new master data is registered in Japanese, master data such as codes and flags for English and Chinese are also registered automatically.  Comments, item names and names that are entered in text for each language are not translated automatically, so it is necessary to register these for each language (it is necessary to register the "Searching" key for each language).
However, when something can be registered as "Name 1" and "Name 2," "Name 1" (registration for each language) and "Name 2" (common registration for each language) can be registered at the same time to be compliant with multiple languages.  "Name 2" can be registered automatically with the code and flag together for other languages when a new master is registered in one language.  "Name 1" needs to be logged in and entered in each language later.
Therefore, when a flag of master data is modified in one language, other language master data flags are also updated automatically to keep master data consistent with each language.

Also, it is possible to refer, summarize and output entry data such as a voucher when it is logged in for one language and entered using master data, and if logging in for another language.  The reason why this can be done is because the master code is referred to when displaying and printing entry data, and because it is possible to switch name 1/name 2 display.  For the relationship between master data and entry data, refer to "Master data and transaction data."

Multiple language compliant captions such as screens and messages

A.S.I.A. makes captions such as screens and messages DB and manages them to accomplish multiple language management.  So, item names, button names and messages on the screen are displayed is each language according to the specified language at login.  Vouchers and forms are output in each language according to the specified language at login.


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