Data import module outline
In the [Data import
Module], you can summarize, edit and accept data from other systems as A.S.I.A.
data. Data can be converted by
importing using the CSV format which is a standard format. Also, you can automatically execute
processes based on a predefined schedule by interlocking the JOB scheduler (JP1). By utilizing [Data import module], it
can be smoothly and efficiently interfaced with other systems.

Accounting Import
There is a Menu to perform the
following processes;
Register code
Define a file to be imported.
Perform the Import process. You can also check if data to be
imported matches the import format only.
Execution status log
Displays Execution status and error details of the
import process.
- Preparations
[Basically done by system operator]
Determine the output method (file
name, storage location, etc.) and operation method for import object data.
Enter an Import file and define the execute
- Processes in other subsystems
[Done by other subsystem operator]
Create a CSV file using the specified
format and specified name.
Transfer the created CSV file to the specified
- Processes on the A.S.I.A.
[Done by A.S.I.A. System administrator]
Register jobs in the schedule. Or directly execute jobs.
Carry out JOB execution management
such as error processing (Reference the error log file to carry out data update,