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Procedure for revaluation for FC


Exchange gain and loss after revaluation can be confirmed for the specified term and the specified currency at the time of entry and the specified term.

1. Screen Display Method

  1. Select [Standard Accounting] → [Multi-Currency Accounting] → [Update]
  2. Select Revaluation for FC] from the menu.
    → The [Revaluation for FC] screen is displayed.

2. Specification and Execution of Exchange Conversion Condition

→To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the items for the execution term and the exchange gain and loss A/C.
  2. Enter the currency, the rate type and the conversion date for revaluation in the specified term. Add or delete rows by clicking the " Add row (R)" button or the " Del row (L)" button for the revaluation in multiple currencies.
  3. Click the " Start (A)" button.
    → An FC revaluation voucher is automatically created. Revaluation can be used as a simulation if the exchange conversion is executed more than once within the month.

3. In Case of an Error

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