Register absorption pattern
It registers the contents of absorption object amount summary, absorption standard, and absorption journal as absorption patterns.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Absorption Processing Module]
[Register Absorption Pattern]
[Register absorption pattern] screen
Item setup
- Absorption pattern code
Enter an absorption pattern code.
If you want to register a new absorption pattern, enter a new code .
If you want to load an existing absorption pattern, enter the code of the pattern to be loaded, then click "Refer" button.
Double-click [Absorption pattern code] column to display a list of the saved absorption pattern codes in another window. You can choose a code from the list.
Once the "Refer" button is clicked, the field will be grayed out and not be accessible.
- Active
- Name
Enter a name of absorption pattern.
Once the "Refer" button is clicked, the field will be grayed out and not be accessible.
- Term of validity
- Searching
- Extension flag
- Summary term
Select a summary term from "Term", "Quarter", "Half-year", or "Year". Once a "Refer" button is clicked, then the field will be grayed out and not be accessible.
When an existing absorption pattern code has been entered, the corresponding summary term is shown and can be changed if required. However, in a case of the absorption pattern registered in [Register absorption group], the field will be grayed out and not be accessible.
- Accounting period
Depending on the items specified in "Summary term", the input range will be different on the screen.
When "Term" is selected for "Summary term", column 1-12 can be used for input and each value in the column corresponds to each term. When "Quarter" is selected, column 1-4 can be used for input and each value in the column corresponds to each quarter. When "Half-year" is selected, column 1-2 can be used for input and column 1 corresponds to the first half and column 2 corresponds to the latter half.
When an existing absorption pattern code is entered, the corresponding accounting period is shown. It can be changed if required.
[Absorption summary] tab
It defines summary conditions for the amount to be absorbed.
- Absorption object Amt formula
Enter a formula for the absorption object amount. The rules for the formula are the following.
- It uses "+ (Add)", "- (Subtract)", "* (Multiply)", and "/ (Divide)" operators for four arithmetic operations.
When an add operation is stated over the lines, insert ": (colon)" between sentences instead of writing "2+3+4+5."
- The operation parenthesized between "(" and ")" has a higher priority in calculation. More than one set of parentheses can be used. If no parentheses are found, calculation starts at the most left position toward the right with no exceptions. For example, in the statement of "2+3*4", 2+3 is calculated first, then the result is multiplied by 4. Note that it is
different from the ordinary rule for the four fundamental operations of arithmetic.
- In the formula, a numeric value (5 digits + 6 digits of decimal places) can be written directly. The numbers
should be prefixed with "#" sign in order to distinguish from row numbers. Negative values are also available.
- In the formula completed, whether the number of parentheses are matched, whether an arithmetic operator is put in front of a "#" sign, and whether a "#" sign is followed by a number or a minus sign are automatically checked.
- Number
Enter a number. This will be the [Number] used in [Absorption object amount formula].
The number must be a unique one.
- Accounting (A/C), Sub Accounting (Sub A/C)
Enter the A/C code object and the sub A/C code object (if required). A/C group can be entered, too.
- Department, Correspondent, Detail description, Memo, Accounting analysis code, Data level
These items are selected when an searching range for the summary objects A/C has to be narrowed.
[Absorption Std] tab
For the absorption object amount that is summarized based on the information in [Absorption Std] tab, the absorption standard is defined.
- Absorption Std
Select the standards in common with the absorption standards set for each destination. It can be selected from [A/C Std], [Fixed rate Std], or [Constant Std].
- A/C Std
This is selected when absorption object amounts are allocated according to the balance or amount of the specified A/C. For the specified A/C, a searching range for the absorption object amount can be narrowed further using correspondent or detail description.
- Fixed rate Std
This is selected when absorption is performed based on the specified rate standard.
- Constant Std
This is selected when absorption is performed based on the specified constant standard.
Absorption Amt per a unit of Absorption Std=
(Absorption summary Amt - Total Fixed absorption Amt) × (Individual Absorption Std Amt: A/C summary Amt, Rate, or Constant) / (Total Absorption Std Amt: Total Amt of A/C summary Amt, Rate, or Constant)
Absorption Amt=
(Absorption Amt per a unit of Absorption Std × Individual Absorption Std Amt) + Individual Fixed absorption Amt
A fraction is handled according to the Fraction adjustment defined in the Absorption journal tab.
After the calculation of absorption amount for individual detail, the remaining amount (Absorption summary Amt - Total absorption Amt) is added to the absorption amount in the first row of the absorption Std detail.
- Number
Enter a number. It should be matched with the number specified in [Absorption journal].
- Dr/Cr (It is shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
Select how to summarize the amount of A/C used for Absorption Std. It can be selected from "Opening balance", "Closing balance", "Dr side", "Cr side", or "Increase/Decrease."
Summary method
Opening balance
the balance at the opening
Closing balance
opening balance + accruals from the opening day to the last day of the specified term
Dr side
Dr side accruals from the opening day to the last day of the specified term
Cr side
Cr side accruals from the opening day to the last day of the specified term
For Dr side A/C: Dr side accruals - Cr side accruals
For Cr side A/C: Cr side accruals - Dr side accruals
- Accounting (A/C), Sub Accounting (Sub A/C) (These are shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
Select A/Cs and Sub A/Cs used for Absorption Std.
When any one of "Opening balance", "Closing balance", "Dr side", or "Cr side" is selected for "Dr/Cr", the A/Cs and sub A/Cs selections are limited to the A/C types of "Asset", "Liability", and "Capital."
When "Increase/Decrease" is selected for "Dr/Cr", the A/Cs and sub A/Cs selections are limited to the A/C types of "Cost of sales", "Sales and general", "Non-operating expense", "Extraordinary loss", "Sales","Non-operating profit", and "Reconciliation of interest (P/L)."
- Department (It is shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
- Correspondent, Detail description (It is shown only when "Absorption Std" is set to "A/C Std.")
These are selected when a summary range for A/C used for absorption Std has to be narrowed.
- Memo 1, 2(It is shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
- Fixed absorption Amt
Enter a fixed absorption amount. A certain amount is absorbed.
The amount obtained by subtracting the fixed absorption amount from the absorption object amount is absorbed according to the standard in [Absorption Std].
- Fixed rate (It is shown only when "Fixed Rate Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
Enter a fixed rate that is set for the absorption.
- Constant (It is shown only when "Constant Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.")
Enter a constant that is set for the absorption.
- Project code 1, 2, Accounting anlys code 1, 2 (It is shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.)
These are selected when a summary range for A/C used for absorption Std has to be narrowed.
- Data level (It is shown only when "A/C Std" is selected for "Absorption Std.)
[Absorption journal] tab
It defines A/C, data level, and so on for the absorption journal entry.
- Data level
It defines data level for the absorption journal entry.
- Fraction adjustment
It defines how to handle a fraction produced when the absorption object amount is allocated according to the absorption Std. This is a common method for all of the absorption amount in the detail.
It is selected from "Revaluate", "Omit", and "Round off".
- Number
It indicates a row number.
- Absorption original account
For an absorption original account, mark a check here. Only one of the rows in the detail can be set.
- Absorption Std No.
Enter the number corresponding to the number in [Absorption Std] tab. Note that this field is not shown when [Absorption original account] is selected.
- Dr/Cr type
It defines Dr/Cr type by selecting either [Dr side] or [Cr side]. Note that this field is not shown when [Absorption original account] is selected.
- A/C, Sub A/C
- Department
- Correspondent
- Detail description
- Project code 1, 2
- Accounting analysis code 1, 2
- Memo 1, 2
- Readjust ([Absorption summary] tab)
When rows are added or deleted, the row No. might become to non-sequential No. Click this button to readjust the row No. to be sequential.
When readjust is initiated during editing, [Absorption object amount formula] must be modified.
Normally, use this button only when registering a new template.
- Readjust ([Absorption Std] tab)
When rows are added or deleted, the row No. might become to non-sequential No. Click this button to readjust the row No. to be sequential.
"Readjust" button is not found on [Absorption journal] tab. On [Absorption Std] tab, click "Readjust" button, then [Absorption Std No.] on [Absorption journal] tab will be also changed matching to the [Number] on [Absorption Std] tab.
- Bulk entry ([Absorption Std] tab, [Absorption journal] tab)
It displays [Bulk entry (absorption Std, absorption journal)] screen.
A list of entry items in [Absorption Std] tab or [Absorption journal] tab is displayed. You can enter items in bulk using copy&paste by the sell, row, or line.
- Commit
- Add row
- Del row
- Name1/2
- Copy
It copies a pattern on the current screen. Enter information into [Header] of the copied absorption pattern.
- Clear
- Refer
- Save
- Delete
- Print
- Exit