Auto-journalize depreciation
Depreciation is calculated for the specified
period, and calculation results are registered in fixed assets detail data in [Auto-journalize
→ To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Fixed Assets Module]
[Auto-journalize depreciation]
[Auto-journalize depreciation] screen
Item Setup
[Searching items]
- Execution type
Select "Execute" to execute Auto-journal for Depreciation, and "Delete" to delete auto-Journal data. If clicked, depreciation auto-journal or data deletion is executed.
- Execution year
- Department
Can be selected from registered Departments, Warehouse/Process Depts and Summary Depts. If a Summary Dept is selected, only a department at the lower level and for which assets have been entered can be selected.
- Layer
Layers to be depreciated are displayed. "Layer1" is displayed by default. If the "Layer" button is clicked, the Layer No. switches. However, any layer whose "Active" checkbox is OFF is not displayed.
- Data level
The "Accounting data level" entered in [Register depreciation layer*] is displayed.
- Open voucher by Dept
Select "ON" or "OFF".
If "ON":
Auto-journal vouchers are issued by Layer+Assets entry Dept.
If "OFF":
Auto-journal vouchers are issued by Layer.
- Department code, Name
- Execute unit(by month, Quarter, Half-year, Whole Year)
The displayed effective unit is different according to the "Accounting entry Std " entered in [Register depreciation layer].
- Entry date
Month-end date of the applicable effective Unit is displayed.
- Voucher internal No.
- Prefix No., Numbering
- Voucher No.
- Name1/2
- Layer Switch
If clicked, settings of each layer can be confirmed switching the "Layers".
- Refer
If clicked, a list of fixed assets data searched for is displayed.
- Clear
- Start
If clicked, depreciation auto-journal data creation or deletion is executed.
However, the process cannot be executed for either of the following cases;
- Data with different Auto-journalize depreciation statuses in the departments to be processed.
(Example: Executed for Department A until Term 3 while execited for Department B until Term 4.)
- Data for which Accounting closing has been executed for the term for accounting closing execution.
- Data whose fixed assets TransferType is "Transfer" and "Last transaction entry date<Last transaction entry date at the beginning of a month: 1Entry date" if "Process type" is "Delete".
- Exit