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Borrowings data (list)

Searching results of borrowings data are listed in the [Spread]. 
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Screen Transition

[Borrowings control module]
[Borrowings searching] screen
[Borrowings data (list)] screen
   "Details" button → [Borrowings data (details)] screen

Item Setup


A list of borrowing data that complies with the searching condition specified on the [Borrowings searching] screen is displayed.  By selecting any row on the list and clicking the "Detail" button or double-clicking on the row, the detail screen of the data will appear.  No modification can be made for any items in the screen. 
The items in the [Spread] include "Internal No.," "Borrowings No.," "Borrowings type," "Long-term/Short-term," "Borrow from No., Name," "Borrowings Dept code, Name," "Payer financial institution code, Name," "Credit bank account code, Name," "Currency," "Borrowings Amt" and "Amt (SC)."
On the master items, the code and name are displayed.  Using the "Convert name" button, you can switch between "Name 1" and "Name 2."  The default displays "Name 1." 



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