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Procedure for Borrowings entry


You can enter borrow from, borrowings Amt and repayment schedule as borrowings information.  The entered data will be used for repayment commit entry in [Debts control module] at the time of borrowings repayment. 

1. Screen display method

  1. Select [Finance]  → [Borrowings control]  → [Entry].
  2. Select [Borrowings Entry] from the menu. 
     → [Borrowings entry] screen - [Borrowing] tab will appear.   

2. [Borrowings entry] screen - [Borrowing] tab entry

 → To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the borrowings category (borrowings type, borrowings period, coupon payment).  Set up "Borrowings type" first, since when you change the item, the entered information will be cleared on [Repayment] tab. 
  2. Enter the borrowings information such as borrow from, borrowings Dept, entry date and borrowings Amt. 
  3. Click the [Repayment] tab. 
    → [Borrowings entry] screen - [Repayment] tab will appear. 

3. [Borrowings entry] screen - [Repayment] tab entry

 → To Operation Procedure

  1. Enter the repayment information such as repayment method and payment count. 
  2. Click the [A/C // Payment method] tab. 
    → [Borrowings entry] screen - [A/C/Payment method] tab will appear. 
    → Note that when you change "Borrowings date" on the [Borrowings] tab, any items in "Borrowings category," "Currency," "Rate type," "Exchange rate" and "Borrowings Amt" after the entry is completed for the [Repayment] tab, the entered information will be cleared on the [Repayment] tab. 

4. [Borrowings entry] screen - [A/C // Payment method] tab entry

 → To Operation Procedure

  1. Enter the information on A/C // Payment method. 
  2. Click the "Save" button. 
    → [Transfer voucher] screen will appear. 

5. [Transfer voucher] screen entry

  1. Enter the information on transfer vouchers. 
  2. Click the "Save" button. 


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