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Procedure for continual claims entry

Function outline

[Continual claims entry] calls up the Continual accountee registered in [Register continual accountee], and enters Claims vouchers.

1. Screen display method

  1. [Claims] → [Uncollected Control] → select [Entry].
  2. Select [Continual Claims Entry] from the menu.
    → [Continual claims entry] screen will appear.

2.Entry range Selection

→To Menu Reference

  1. Choose one button from [Type], [Continual accountee], and [Accountee].
    If [Continual accountee] is selected, specify the master registered in [Register continual accountee].
    If you chose [Accountee], specify the range of Correspondent. Fuzzy search is also available.
  2. Click the "Refer(X)" button.

3. Target Payer selection

  1. In [Spread], point the cursor to the payer to which you want to create a voucher.
    → [Claims entry] screen will appear allowing claims data entry.
    In [Claims entry], you can create a new claims voucher. However, the voucher once saved cannot be modified/deleted.

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