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Outline of Uncollected Control Module

Function outline

[Uncollected control module] unables you to enter/approve claims and output forms. Approved claims data entered in this module is treated as claims data in the [Integrated claims control module] and settled.

At the claims settlement processed in the [Integrated claims control module], auto journal will be performed. By registering more than one A/Cs to be used in the auto-journalization as patterns, you can specify the journal A/C by claims data.

In addition, by selecting more than one accountee in [Register continual accountee], it is also possible to make continuous enter of claims data using [Continual claims entry].

Please note that only the claims data which is approved in [Claims data approval] is treated as claims data in [Integrated claims control module].

"Register claims pattern" is a useful function which helps data entry operators with less Accounting knowledge set endorsed journal. (By writing description of the transaction in name field at the registration, data entry operator can judge the pattern from the work.)

"Register continual accountee" enables you to issue invoices continuously in the routine. This is to patternize the Accountee by job content so that the burden of the work will be reduced.

Menu structure

Forms that can be output

In the [Uncollected control module], you can output the following forms:

For forms output, see:here.

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