Issue claims voucher, invoices, and receipts
Issues Claims voucher, invoice, and a receipt
according to the claims data.
→To Operation Procedure
Control Module]
[Issue Voucher]
[Issue Claims Voucher]
[Issue claims voucher] screen
Item setup
[Searching items] frame
- Object of output
Select the object of output from [Claims voucher], [Invoice], and [Receipt]. According to the selection, a voucher is issued using the format registered in advance.
- Entry date, update date, approval date
Set the date range of "Entry date", "Update date", or "Approval date" to specify the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher.
- Internal No.
- Claims No.
- Post pad
Specify the content and color of the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher. Text searching is also available.
- Accountee, correspondent
group (option button)
Specify to which group the claims was accounted for, "Accountee" or "Correspondent group."
- Accountee / correspondent group
Specify "Accountee" or "Correspondent group" for clams data for which you want to issue a voucher. For "Correspondent group", range set (From/To) is not available.
- Voucher Issue Dept
Narrow down your search by the Voucher Issue Dept of the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher.
- Update operator
Narrow down your search by the Update operator of the claims data for which you want to issue a
- Approval operator
Narrow down your search by the Approval operator of the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher.
- Prefix No.
Select from "Claims data," "Operator setup (update OP)" and "Operator setup
(approval OP)."
"Operator setup (update OP)" refers to the default of the prefix No. set on the [Operator setup] tab in [Employee setup]
for the update OP, not the prefix No. of the voucher No. Accordingly, only journal data whose Prefix No. range specified from the update OP recorded in the claims data is set in [Operator setup] will be listed.
- Approval status
Narrow down your search by the approval status of the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher. Approval status can be selected from "Unapproved," "Approved," and "Denied."
- Invoice type
Narrow down your search by the invoice type of the claims data for which you want to issue a voucher. Invoice type can be selected from "None," "Individual," and "Monthly."
- Output option
If you click on the "Include issued" check box, voucher data already issued are included in your search. This option will not be shown if you choose not to use the issued voucher flag in [Voucher file setup] of the [System custodian] module. If you click on the "Output of text item" check box, text items will be output.
If you click on the "Plan summary" check box, the collection plan will be summarized.
- Issuance
Check the check box of the vouchers to be issued.
- Save to file
Check this check box to save a voucher as a file.
- Issued
Check is marked to issued voucher data. No modification
can be made. This option will not be shown if you choose not to use the issued voucher flag in [Voucher file setup] of the [System custodian] module.
- Entry date
- Claims No.
- Internal No.
- Invoice description
- Accountee code , Name
- Dept code , Name
- Currency
- Amt including tax
- Update operator code , Name
- Name 1/2
- Set all, Cancel all (issue)
This is used to check/uncheck the "Issue" check box in the [Spread] in batch.
- Set all, Cancel all (save to file)
This is used to check/uncheck the "Save to file" check box in the [Spread] in batch.
- Refer
- Clear
- Document
- Start
- Exit