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Procedure for registering continual accountee

Function Outline

In "Register Continual Accountee, " the new registration and the modification of "claims pattern" combinations to be used with "Correspondent" will be made.

1. Screen display method

  1. Select [Claims] → [Uncollected Control] → [Register].
  2. From the menu, select [Register Continual Accountee].
    → The [Register continual accountee] screen will appear.

2. New registration

→To Menu Reference

  1. Click on the "New (N)" button.
  2. Enter the new continual accountee data in the [Details].
  3. Register accountees in the spread portion of the [Details].
    When you right click placing the cursor on the [Accountee code] and the [Claims pattern code], a separate window will appear allowing the selection of items in the form of a pop up.
  4. Click on the "Save (S)" button.
    → the registered pattern information will appear on the left side of the screen.

3.Modification of registered data

  1. Place the cursor on the continual accountee data to modify on the left side of the screen.
    →  The details of the data to modify will appear in the [Details].

  2. Modify the data.
  3. Click on the "Save (S)" button.
    → The modified pattern information will be saved.

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