Create monthly invoice data - "New"
Monthly invoice data can be prepared from claims and sales claims data.
Based on this data prepared, monthly invoices can be issued using [Issue Monthly Invoice].
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Claims Control Module]
[Create Monthly Invoice Data]
[Create monthly invoice data (from/to)] screen - "New" button
"Create" button → [Create
monthly invoice data (Details)] screen
monthly invoice data (from/to)] screen - "Modify / Delete" button
Item description
Depending on the selection made on the "New, Modify / Delete" frame, part of the screen switches, and it is possible to change between new and modify / delete processing.
[Header] part
- New
Select "New" to create a new monthly invoice data item.
- Modify / Delete
Select "Modify / Delete" to modify or delete a monthly invoice data already registered.
- Currency
- Department
Select the department to be searched. A search of the header "Voucher Entry Department" is used for the claims and sales claims data. If the Summary Dept. is specified, the
subsidiary departments will also be searched.
- Closing Date / Correspondent
Specify whether to search by "Closing Date" or "Correspondent" (acountee / correspondent group). The searched data will be shown by closing date and correspondent in the spreadsheet part.
- Closing Date
If "Closing Date" is selected for " Closing Date / Correspondent," specify the date. Data for correspondents with this closing date will then be searched.
- Accountee / Correspondent Group
If "Correspondent" is selected for "Closing Date / Correspondent Group," specify the range for the accountees or correspondent groups.
- Separate Invoice Entry Date
[Spreadsheet] (Searching Results) part
When the [Enter] key is pressed after entry for "From," "To," "Voucher Issue Dept," and "Invoice Description," the content entered will be copied to the cells below that row.
- Object
If a mark is placed in the object check box, that row will be used for preparing the monthly invoice data. However, it will be shown as unmarked for rows where the "Completed" check box is marked.
- Created
For rows where the monthly invoice data has been created, the check box will be marked, and cannot be changed.
- Entry Date
- Monthly Invoice Internal No.
If the monthly invoice data has been created, the monthly invoice internal number will be shown. Otherwise the space will be blank.
- Monthly Invoice No.
If the monthly invoice data has been created, the monthly invoice number will be shown. Depending on [Parameter Setup] of the [System Custodian] module, it may be divided into "Prefix No." and "Numbering", or it may be manual entry.
- Correspondent Code
The correspondent that created the monthly invoice data is shown. If the search was performed by "Correspondent Group," the correspondent groups will be shown.
- Name
The name of the "Correspondent" or "Correspondent Group" is shown.
- Expiration Date
- Voucher Issue Dept.
Specify the department issuing the monthly invoice. The controlling department can also be specified.
- Invoice Description
An invoice description of up to 100 characters can be entered.
- Refer
Searches data that is the object of create monthly invoice data using specified search conditions.
- Name 1/2
- Clear
- Set All
Places marks in all the "Object" check boxes (except for items where the "Completed" check box is marked).
- Cancel All
Removes all the marks from the "Object" check boxes (except for items where the "Completed" check box is marked).
- Create All
Monthly invoice data is prepared for all the rows where the "Object" check boxes are marked.
- Create
Opens the [Create Monthly Invoice Data (Details)] screen for the rows where the "Object" check boxes are marked. The details are shown.
- Exit