Continual debts entry
Select several payees in advance and enter the [Debts entry] on a continuous basis. To use this menu, it is necessary to enter the debts data used in continual entry in the [Debts entry] procedure in advance and to register them as a pattern.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[The Unpaid Control Module]
[Continual Debts Entry]
[Continual debts entry] screen
"Start" button → [Debts entry] screen.
Item setup
- Type
Select either [Continual payee] or [Payee].
- Continual Payee and Payee
Set the range for a continual payee or a payee displayed in the [Spread].
If [Continual Payee] is selected in "Type", it is possible to specify the payee from the continual payee master. It is impossible to specify the range.
If [Payee] is selected in "Type", it is possible to select the payee from the correspondent master and the employee master. It is possible to select the payee from the correspondents or the employees of the correspondents, such as [Vendor], [Cust & Vendor] and [Affiliated Company].
- Payee Code and Name
Designate a payee. Click on the "Refer (X)" button to set the payee automatically. However, it can be also changed. It is possible to enter a payee from the correspondents or the employees of the correspondents, such as [Vendor], [Cust & Vendor] and [Affiliated Company]. However, in the case of the debts data already saved in [Debts entry], the payee cannot be changed.
- Pattern Code and Name
Designate a pattern code for debts entry. Click on the "Refer (X)" button to set the pattern code automatically. However, it can be also changed. In the case of the debts data already saved in [Debts Entry], the pattern code cannot be changed.
- Internal No.
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the internal No. of [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Debts No.
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the debts No. of [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Currency
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the currency of [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Amt before tax
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the amount before tax posted in [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Tax
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the entered amount of tax posted in [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Amt including tax
Where data is saved as new data in the [Debts entry] screen, the entered amount including tax posted in [Debts entry] is displayed.
- Name 1/2
- Clear
- Refer
Click the Reference button to display the payee concerned in the [Spread].
- Add Row
- Del Row
For data that has already been saved in [Debts entry], a column cannot be deleted.
- Start
Click the Start button to start the [Debts entry] screen for the data in the row over which the cursor is positioned.
- Exit