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Procedure for Approving suspended payment of t-expns, even-up t-expns, suspended payment of e-expns, even-up e-expns, suspended payment of expns, and even-up expns (std, foreign currency)


Approve the suspended payment data and the even-up data of traveling expenses and entertainment (social) expenses and other expenses.
The approval process of these suspended payment data and even-up data are basically the same. This section explains the process using the suspended payment of T-expns as an example.

1.Screen display method

  1. Click "Suspended payment of T-Expns Approval."
     →  The [Suspended payment of T-Expns data approval] screen will appear.

2.Searching suspended payment of T-expns data

 →  To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching conditions.
  2. Click the "Refer" button.
     →  The suspended payment of T-expns data retrieved will display on the spread.
  3. Select the status for each suspended payment of T-expns data from "Unapproved," "Approved," and "Denied."
  4. When changing the status in batch, select the change method from the pulldown menu on the bottom left hand portion of the screen, and click the "Bulk change status" button.
     →  The status of the suspended payment of T-expns data on the spread will be changed in a batch.
  5. Click the "Save" button.

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