Intransit entry
In [Intransit entry], you can enter management information (S/A info, arrival in port, scheduled departure, packing list info, etc. ) of the approved Purchase order data to handle as in-transit inventory.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Arriving Control Module]
[Intransit Entry]
[Intransit entry] screen
Item Setup
[Searching condition]
Enter the searching conditions for the Purchase order data to handle as in-transit inventory.
Process type
Select either "Register" or "Delete".
Entry date/Delivering date
Enter the correspondents registered in [Register correspondent] in the [Common Master Module]. You may also enter them manually.
Purchase order internal No.
Voucher No.
Intransit internal No., S/A No.
Only when "Delete" is selected in "Process type" can this be entered as a condition.
[Intransit header] (Displays on when "Register" is selected in "Process type").
Intransit internal No.
The Number allocated during registration will appear.
The list of Purchase order data that fit the conditions entered in the [Searching conditions] will appear. Select the objects to process and enter the required items.
Check the checkbox for the order data to process.
Purchase order internal No., Goods, Name, Goods number(correspondent), Name, Qty, Unit
The registered content of the purchase order data will appear.
Entry Qty, Unit
The default registered content of the purchase order data will appear. Changes can also be made.
S/A No., S/ARow No.
Enter shipping advice information.
Scheduled arrival in port date, Arrival in port
Enter the port arrival information.
Departure date, Departure from
Enter departure information.
Weight, Weight unit, BOX SIZE W, BOX SIZE D, BOX SIZE H, Size unit
Enter Packing list information.
Entry date, Delivering date, Vendor, Name, Amt before tax(SC)
The Register content of the Purchase order data will appear.
Set all
Cancel all
The intransit data will be deleted when this is clicked.
The purchase order data that match the searching conditions will appear when this button is clicked.
The intransit information of the purchase order data with the [register] checkbox checked will be registered.