Credit limit balance maintenance
Credit limit balance (sales order balance, claims
balance)for those other than correspondents (other than vendors)can be
Screen Transition
[Master management]
[Common master]
[Trade management]
[Credit limit balance maintenance]
[Credit limit balance maintenance]
Item Setup
[Registry and reference of credit limit
- Searching of correspondent
By clicking the "Reference" button, the
range is specified, and a list of correspondents (excluding vendors)for which
the checkbox of "Credit limit check" is selected as ON is displayed
on the right side of the screen by [Register
correspondent]. "
Correspondent, Correspondent group,
Specify the range of the correspondent that is an
object of registry and reference.
Select a case where the correspondent is directly searched.
Correspondent group:
Select correspondent group, and choose a case where the correspondent in
registry structure for the correspondent group is specified.
Select a code corresponding with the selection of "Correspondent"/"Correspondent
- Selection of correspondent
By selecting a correspondent performing credit limit balance maintenance from
the correspondent list on the right side of the screen, register contents of
the current credit limit and a status of the credit limit balance is displayed
in the lower part of the screen.
Code, Name, Correspondent type
Code, name, and correspondent type corresponding
with the specification of the range are displayed.
Item Setup - Details Setup
[Details setup] - Spread
(upper part)
- Confirmation of credit
the contents of[Register credit
limit]. Change cannot be made only
through the confirmation.
Amt (SC)base
When registration of credit limit is performed by Amt(SC), the checkbox is
selected as ON. Change cannot be
made here.
Currency for which the credit limit is registered is displayed. When "Amt(SC)base setup" is
selected as ON, only the standard currency is displayed, as opposed to other
Credit limit
Registration contents of credit limit are displayed in the currency unit
designated by "Currency" for every class. Level D through level A correspond with D through A of "Credit
limit level" for [Class setup]
of [System custodian], respectively.
Credit limit balance
When balance is negative, the amount is displayed in red.
[Details setup] - Spread (lower part)
- Updating of credit limit
Update sales order balance and claims balance by
By clicking the "Save" button after updating, the updated contents
are saved.
By clicking the "Delete" button, all balances are reset as 0.
Currency for which trades of sales order balance and claims balance exist is
Sales order balance and Sales order balance(SC)
Balance of sales orders (total amount of details for approved and after sales
entry)is displayed for every currency, by entry currency and standard
currency. When balance is negative,
the amount is displayed in red.
Claims balance and Claims balance(SC)
Balance of claims (total amount of details for which settled object and settled
status is "Unsettled" or "Settling:" claims Amt - settled Amt)for every
currency is displayed by entry currency and standard currency. When balance is negative, the amount is
displayed in red.
By clicking, all selected credit limit balances,
sales order balances, and claims balances for correspondents are reset as 0.
Enter and output"Output type"
and "Currency."
Specify the range of "Correspondent" or "Correspondent
group" by "Output type."
When "Correspondent" is entered, "Correspondent
type"(one of [All], [Cust], [Cust & Vendor], [Related company])may be
specified. When selecting an item
other than "All" by "Correspondent type," the range of a code of the
output correspondent may be specified.
Initial display of the targeted output currency is blank, and all
currencies are targeted as an output object. Change can be made.