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Class setup

The class setup procedure allows you to set the authority to use subsystems and modules on a menu basis.  You can also register the "Class" that includes the release authority in Sales Control Subsystem or Purchase Control Subsystem, Maximum Amt, and use authority on a processing menu basis.  The Class set in this procedure is assigned to each operator in [Employee Setup].
 → To About Class

Screen Transition

[Server applications]
[System custodian]
[Basic setup]
[Class setup]
[Class setup] screen - [Class], [Security] tab

Item Setup - [Class] tab

  1. Selecting a Class or registering a new Class
    A list of registered Classes appears on the display.  Select the Class for which you want to make settings.  Information on the selected Class appears on the [Details] tab.
    Click "New" to register a new Class.
  1. Entering detailed information

Item Setup - [Security] tab

  1. Selecting the object on which to set the authority
    Select the subsystem and module on which to set the authority.
  1. Entering security information
    After the subsystem and module are selected, a menu list appears on the display.  Select the menu to which the authority for use is given.



If you do not separate the authority of the operators sufficiently, difficulties may result in the actual operation.  For example, if you have two or three operators, you could assign all the authority to the accountant and make this person the supervisor.  In this way you can easily separate the accountant from those in charge of sales or materials.  This approach also simplifies the operations.

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