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Procedure for Consolidated data maintenance


In this procedure, you can perform the maintenance operations, such as modifying or deleting the created consolidated data.

1.Screen display method

  1. Select [Disclosure]  → [Consolidation control]  → [Execute].
  2. From the Menu, select "Consolidated Data Maintenance."
    → The [Consolidated data maintenance] screen will be displayed.

2.Modifying consolidated data

 → To Menu Reference

  1. Enter a file name in "File name," and then click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → In the spread section, existing consolidated data will be displayed.
  2. In the spread section, modify the consolidated data.  Use the "Add row" or "Del row" buttons, as needed, to add or delete rows.
  3. Click the "Save (S)" button.

3.Delete consolidated data

  1. Enter a file name in "File name," and then click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → In the spread section, existing consolidated data will be displayed.
  2. Click the "Delete (D)" button.


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