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Procedure for register continual payee

Function Outline

Register a new combination of the [Correspondent] and the [Debts pattern] in [Register continual payee].

1. Screen Display Method

  1. [Debts] → [Unpaid Control] → select [Register].
  2. Select [Register Continual Debts] from the menu.
    → The [Register continual debts] screen is displayed.

2. New Registration

→To Menu Reference

  1. Click the "New (N)" button.
  2. Enter the data for the new continual payee in the [Details].
  3. Register a payee in the [spread] in the [Details].
    If you position the cursor on the [Payee code] or [Debts pattern code] cell and click the right mouse button, you can select the selection object from the pop-up window that appears separately.
  4. Click the "Save (S)" button.
    → The registered pattern information is displayed on the left side of the screen.

3. Modifying Registered Data

  1. Position the cursor on the continual payee data to be modified on the left side of the screen.
    → The [Details] displays the details of the data to be modified.

  2. Modify the data.
  3. Click the "Save (S)" button.
    → The modified pattern information is saved.

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