Annual closing pre-checking, annual entry closing
The procedure [Annual closing pre-checking] checks if
the closing processes, such as [Accounting closing] and [Accounting update term
balance], and the batch processes, such as [Deferred depreciation execute] are
settled for all terms before [Annual entry closing] is executed. It is possible to stop the checking
process halfway through. Even if
checking is not executed with [Annual closing pre-checking], the same kind of
checking will be done at the time of [Annual entry closing].
With [Annual entry closing], if no error is found after the same kind of
checking as [Annual closing pre-checking] is performed, the "Job
status" will be updated and the opening data for the next year will be
→ To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Closing control module]
[Annual closing]
[Annual closing pre-checking], [Annual entry closing]
[Annual closing pre-checking] screen, [Annual
entry closing] screen
[Main item]
Accounting year
Indicates the accounting year and the year/month/date range of the accounting
year applicable to closing.
Job status (displayed on the
[Annual entry closing] screen only)
Displays the execution status of the annual entry closing
with either "Unexecuted" or "Updated."
The check box of the row for which processing has normally terminated is set to
Object of execution
Set the check box of the row to be processed to On.
Checking contents/Process contents
The following contents are checked in sequence.
Annual closing parameter setup
Accounting closing checking
Claims/Debts closing checking
Checks that the closing date for all departments
and warehouse/process departments (including those for which the Active flag is
off) is later than the closing date of the current year.
Other closing checking
Checks that the closing date of all closing process
units (modules, menus) is later than the closing date of the current year.
Term balance update checking
Checks that the update balance process has been
executed for all terms and all data levels of the annual closing year with [Accounting
update term balance].
Term inventory balance update
Accounting data Cr/Dr balance
Checks that the Dr/Cr balances correspond in Amt
(SC) concerning the accounting data of the current year. The balance is checked by summarizing
all data levels, instead of by data level.
If "Assets – Liability – Capital + Cost of sales + Sales and general +
Non-operating expense + Extraordinary loss + Profit adjustment (P/L) – Sales –
Non-operating profit – SP gain" does not equal zero, the balance does not
correspond and thus it becomes an error.
Revaluation checking (FC)
The check is only executed when there is an A/C
with the "Obj of Revaluation" flag set to On. If the revaluation for FC voucher with
a combination of "Revaluation A/C code," "Currency code (except
for Std currency)" and "Data level" does not exist in the final
term balance of the current year, the result will be an error.
Deferred tax accounting checking
Checks that the final term (or the fourth quarter, the second half-year,
year) is executed for all data levels of the current year. If unexecuted data levels exist, the
result will be an error.
Absorption auto-journal checking
Checks that the final term of the year to be
updated is auto-journalized
for all absorption groups.
D.A.C. depreciation checking
Checks that there is data in the final term of the
current year with the "Depreciation execution" flag set to off and the depreciation
status of the T/F source set to "Undepreciated," "Processing depreciation" or "Stop depreciation." If it exists,
the result will be an error.
Investment securities market value
Checks if the year-end balance is executed for
records with the "Active
flag" of the "Closing revaluation" layer set to On and "Entry period" is not equal to
"None." This check is performed by
the securities group code for each layer.
If it is not executed, the result wil be an error.
Treasury stock management market
valuation checking
Auto-journal checking
Checks if there is any claims data, debts data, expenses management
data, repayment data or lease payment data that meets
the following conditions: "Auto-journal checking" = Off despite the entry date of the Header set to the
current year, "Approval" status = "Approved" and "Auto-journal checking" =
On. If the data exists, the result
will be an error.
Auto-transfer data checking
Displayed as an checking item only when "Claims/Debts
– B.A.C. Interlocking" setup of [Parameter setup] is set to "Interlock."
Checks that the data with [Create auto-transfer data] unexecuted exists among payment
plan/collection plan data (including lease payment data) with the expiration date set to
current year and "Approval status = Approved," although the settle type is "Auto-transfer"
or "Prepay (auto-transfer)." If
the data exists, it will become error.
auto-transfer data checking
This item is displayed as a check item only when "Claims/Debts – B.A.C. Interlocking" setup of [Parameter setup] is
set to "Interlock."
Checks whether there is any data with [Settle/Auto-journalize auto-transfer
data] not executed among payment plan/collection plan data (including lease payment data) with the expiry date set to the current year, although [Create auto-transfer data] has been executed. If the data exists, the result will be
an error.
Settlement checking
Checks whether there is unsettled data among the
receipt detail records applicable to settlement (receipt/claims), with the trade
date set to the current year. If the
data exists, the result will be an error.
Repayment committed checking
Checks whether there is data with unfinished repayments
among repayment scheduled data with the T/F date set to the current year. If the data exists, the result will be
an error.
Expenses management data check (suspended
Check whether there is data with [Create expenses
management data] not executed among expenses management suspended payment data
with the expiry date set to the current year, and "Approval" status = "Approved." If the data exists, the result will be
an error.
Expenses management data check (evening-up)
Checks whether there is data with the expiry date
set to the current year, or data with the expiry date set to the next year and
the settlement type not set to "Cash/Check forthwith" among expenses management
suspended payment data with the entry date set to the current year, "Approval"
status = "Approved," and [Create expenses management data] not executed. If the data exists, the result will be
an error.
Sales/Purchase/Inv checking
Execution status (number of
processes completed)
Displays the number of check processes completed
(including the process in progress) and the number of processes to be executed
are displayed as a fraction.
Numerator: number of check processes completed (including the process in
Denominator: number of execution objects with checking = On
Execution status (display of the
process in progress)
Displays the process which are currently being
After the process is finished, "Exit" is displayed. If you stop process by clicking the
"Stop process" button, "Stop
process" is displayed.
Execution status (bars)
The ratio of "Execution status (the number of
processes completed)" is displayed in bars.
Set all
Cancel all
Continue process (displayed on the [Annual entry closing] screen
Click this button to execute the closing process
again after the error list is output.
Stop process
Click this button to cancel the process in
Error list output (displayed on the [Annual entry closing] screen
Can click this button if an error occurs as a
result of checking. The dialog to
select Excel output or CSV output will be displayed.
Click this button to start the checking process.
If there is no item to be checked after checking is finished with [Annual
closing pre-checking], it becomes possible to execute [Annual entry closing].
If there is an item to be checked after checking is finished with [Annual
closing pre-checking], the message to confirm output of the error list is displayed. Output the error list by selecting Excel
output or CSV output.
If there is no item to be checked after checking is finished with [Annual entry
closing], click the "Start" button again. The job status is updated and opening data is created
in all data levels for the next year.
If there is an item to be checked after checking is finished with [Annual entry
closing], the applicable check item is displayed against the light blue
background. Click the "Error list
output" button to confirm the details of error. If an error occurs during the process from
"Annual closing
parameter setup checking" to "Accounting data Cr/Dr balance checking," it is
not possible to continue the process by clicking the "Start" button. If an error occurs after
checking (FC)," it is possible to execute the process again after responding to
the error. Click the "Continue
process" button to continue. If
you want to stop the process, click the "Stop process" button.