Notes list
Set the output condition for batch-outputting
the notes receivable list that can be output with [Notes receivable module] of [Claims
subsystem] and notes payable list that can be output with [Notes payable module]
of [Debts subsystem].
→ To Operation Procedure
[Timer control module]
[Accounting export]
[Notes list]
[Notes receivable] screen, [Notes payable] screen
[Main] tab
- Status
If "Form type" is "Notes receivable," select from the following options: "Holdings,"
"Collection," "Discount," "Endorsement," "Endorsed sale," "Buyout," "Settle,"
"Sale," "Dishonor," "Renewal," "Not controlled."
If "Form type" is "Notes payable," select from the following options: "Drawing,"
"Settle," "Return," "Not controlled."
Turning them all OFF specifies all of the statuses.
- Status entry date
- Receipt date
- Drawing date (displayed only when "Form
type" is "Notes receivable")
- Due date
- Internal No.
- Control No.
- Notes/Check No.
- Currency
Specify the currency by selecting from those registered with [Register
currency] of [Common master module] (leaving this blank specifies all
- Output history
Checking this box includes notes receivable data in past status in the
searching objects. Unchecking this
box only searches for data in the latest status.
- Notes Dept
Specify the department by selecting from [Department] registered with [Register
department structure] of [Common master module]. Group department can be specified. Fuzzy searching can be used.
- Claims Dept
Specify the department by selecting from [Department] registered with [Register
department structure] of [Common master module]. Group department can be specified. Fuzzy searching can be used.
- Correspondent
Specify correspondent, correspondent group or employee. Regarding correspondents, only those
with correspondent type "Cust," "Cust & Vendor," or "Affiliated Co" of the
masters registered with [Register correspondent] of [Common master module] can
be specified. Fuzzy searching can
be used.
- Drawer (displayed only when "Form
type" is "Notes receivable")
- Payment location
- Financial institution (displayed
only when "Form type" is "Notes receivable")
- Credit bank account
Enter a credit bank account. Bank
accounts specified as "Own bank account" with [Register bank account] can be
specified. Fuzzy searching can be
- Receipt location
- Endorsee (displayed only when "Form
type" is "Notes receivable")
- Update operator
- Notes type
Select "Promise notes" or "Check."
(Leaving this blank specifies both types.)
- Discount type (displayed only when "Form
type" is "Notes receivable" and "Discount" of the "Status" check box is ON).
Select "Divide" or "Rediscount."
(Leaving this blank specifies both types.)
[Sub] tab
- Voucher internal No.
- Voucher No.
- Project code 1, 2
- D description
- Flexible master 1-5
- Accounting analysis code 1, 2
- Flexible date 1, 2
- Post pad
- Sort
Select "Entry date," "Receipt date," "Due date" or "Control No." "Issue No." can be selected only when "Form
type" is "Notes payable."
- Macro file, Macro
- Process type
Select "Save to file" or "Print,"