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Deferred account entry (prepaid expenses, deferred revenue)

This section explains individual items on the deferred account entry screen for prepaid expenses/deferred revenue.
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Screen Transition

[Deferred account control module]
[Deferred account entry (prepaid expense)] or [Deferred account entry (deferred revenue)]
[Deferred account entry (prepaid expense)] screen or [Deferred account entry (deferred revenue)] screen

Item Setup


[Prepaid VAT]

In Prepaid VAT, you can make an entry on prepaid VAT for the tax deferred data.  The deferred data other than tax deferred data is considered as VAT when any expenses are accrued. 

[Related voucher] (top right of the screen)

In the Related voucher, when making deferred account entry from the module other than [Deferred account control module] by clicking the "Deferred account" button, information of the souce voucher will be displayed.  When newly making deferred account entry in [Deferred account control module], no information will be displayed in the Related voucher. 

[T/F from]

Entry can be made when the screen has been activated from [Deferred account control module]. 
Meanwhile, when the screen has been activated from [Claims debts module], it is only for display. 
Under the entry-enabled condition, when the account property of "VAT A/C (suspended payment VAT)" is made a reference and the account property setting does not match, an error message appears.  When the "Prepaid VAT" check box is OFF, the second detail row is hidden. 
Note that when you display the internal No. of deferred account entry data entered by clicking the "Deferred account" button in the other module, the second row will be deleted with the "Prepaid VAT" check box unmarked. 

[T/F to]

[T/F Dest (Temp payment VAT, Temp sales order VAT)]

The section is displayed only when the "Prepaid VAT" checkbox is ON. 


Depreciation Process

When the data is saved, depreciation calculation will be made by term. 

Depreciation calculation

Prepaid VAT calculation

Differing from ordinary VAT calculation, pro rata value of prepaid VAT is applied as suspended payment VAT. 


Interlocking with Debts/Claims entry

When clicking the "Deferred account" button on the Debts (Claims) entry screen, you can make deferred account entry. 

VAT Confirmation screen

Clicking the "Deferred account" button on the [Claims/Debts module] entry screen activates the [VAT confirmation] screen.  There the details of row No., which has been specified on the [VAT confirmation] screen, is displayed in the 2nd row (for deferred VAT A/C entry) for T/F source detail of deferred account entry. 
By default, the row No. displays next detail row of source detail row (deferred A/C detail).  If you select a nonexistent row No. and click the "OK" button, the message "There is an error in setting" will appear. 
When you specify source row No., the message "There is an error in setting" will appear. 


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