Depreciation schedule list (prepaid expenses, deferred revenue)
This section explains each item of the depreciation
schedule list for prepaid expenses/deferred revenue.
→ To Operation Procedure
account control module]
[Depreciation schedule list (prepaid expenses)] or [Depreciation schedule list (deferred
[Depreciation schedule list (prepaid expenses)] screen or [Depreciation
schedule list (deferred revenue)] screen
"Start" button → [Output
destination] screen
Output conditions specification
[Print Item]
Entry date
You can specify the range of entry date.
The default displays "Blank."
When "Blank" is selected, all entry date can be the objects. However, no reference is made for the parameter
accounting period.
Internal No.
Enter the deferred internal No.
You can specify the range.
Fuzzy search and pop-up search can be made.
Deferred No.
Enter the deferred No. You can
specify the range. Fuzzy search
and pop-up search can be made.
Select "All currencies" or from the contents of the
currency master. The default
displays "Std currency."
Start date
You can set up the range of depreciation start
date. The default displays the
system date. No reference is made
for the parameter accounting period.
End date
You can specify the range of depreciation end
date. The default displays the
system date. No reference is made
for the parameter accounting period.
Depreciation status frame
By default, "Undepreciated," "Processing depreciation" and "Stop depreciation"
are ON, and "Depreciated" and "Disposal" are OFF.
Output type frame
"Output detail" or "Summary" option: The default displays "Output detail."
Object of output combo box
"T/F source": T/F source detail rows
(Prepaid expenses) (Prepaid VAT) are the only object of output.
"T/F Dest": T/F Dest detail rows are
the only object of output.
"Output all": All detail rows are the object.
When "Output detail" is selected
optionally, select one from "T/F source," "T/F Dest" or "Output all." The default displays "Output all."
When "Summary" is selected optionally,
select one from "T/F source" or "T/F Dest." The default displays "T/F Dest."
VAT output checkbox
When the box is ON
When the object of output "T/F source" is selected, prepaid VAT data is
When the object of output "T/F Dest" is selected, suspended payment VAT data is
When the object of output "Output all" is selected, both data is output.
When the box is OFF
VAT data of prepaid VAT/suspended payment VAT is excluded from objects of
[Details item]
Searching object
Select either "T/F source" or "T/F Dest." The default displays "T/F Dest." When "T/F source" is selected, items of
prepaid expenses/deferred revenue A/C in T/F source table are the objects of searching/outputting.
When "T/F Dest" is selected, items of T/F Dest table A/C are the objects of searching/output.
A/C code
You can specify the range of A/C.
Fuzzy search, pop-up search and group search can be made. When "T/F source" is selected as searching
objects, only SP type "Prepaid expenses" or "Deferred revenue" can be
Sub A/C code
It is displayed only when the "Sub A/C" radio
button is selected. You can also
specify the range of sub A/C.
Fuzzy search and pop-up search can be made.
Department code
You can specify the range of department code. Fuzzy search, pop-up search and group
search can be made. When "T/F
source" is selected as searching objects, only D.A.C department is
Correspondent code
You can specify the range of correspondent code. Fuzzy search, pop-up search and group search can be made.
D description
Fuzzy search and pop-up search can be made.
Project code
Fuzzy search, pop-up search and group search can be
Accounting analysis code
Fuzzy search and pop-up search can be made.
Macro file, macro