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Procedure for Register construction in progress account data


In the [Register construction in progress account data] screen, you can register Construction in progress account.  Using the extracted data from the Journal data in Transfer voucher or Entry Request, Construction in progress account data will be generated.  When registering the data, Construction/Commodity purchase code must be entered.

1.Screen display method

  1. Select [Assets] → [Construction in Progress] → [Entry].
  2. From the Menu, select [Register Construction In Progress Account Data].
    → The [Register Construction In Progress] screen will appear.

2.Specifying New or Modify/Delete for Construction in progress account data

→ To Menu Reference

  1. In the "Type" box, select "New" or "Modify/Delete."
  2. Click the "Start (A)" button.
    → When "New" option was selected, refer to "3.Entering Construction in progress code."
    → When "Modify/Delete" option was selected, refer to "6.Searching Construction in progress account data."

3.Specifying Construction in progress code

→ To Menu Reference

  1. Select a code in [Construction in progress code].
  2. Then click the "Searching (J)" button.
    → The [Journal searching] screen will appear.

4.Searching Journal data

→ To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching conditions.
  1. After entering the searching conditions, click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → The [Register construction in progress] screen will appear again.  In [Spread], the searched Journal data will be listed.

5.Registering Journal data

  1. In [Spread], check the [Registration object] check boxes for the Journal data you want to register as Construction in progress account data.
    When clicking the "Set all (H)" button all of the check boxes for the Journal data will be checked at a time.
  2. In [Spread], select a Construction/Commodity purchase code.
    For the code including different Assets A/C types, the Amt of the source item can be divided into several new items.  Refer to "11.Dividing Journal data."
  3. Complete the registration, then click the "Save (S)" button.

In the following sections 6 - 8, procedures for Modifying/Deleting of Construction in progress account data are described.

6.Searching Construction in progress account data

→ To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching conditions.
  2. After entering the searching conditions, click the "Start (A)" button.
    → The [Construction in progress account modify/delete (object list)] screen will be appearing.  In [Spread], the searched Construction in progress account data will be listed.

7.Enter/Delete of Modifying Object

→ To Menu Reference

  1. Select the Construction in progress account data to be modified or deleted.
  2. To delete the data, select the Construction in progress account data first, then click the "Delete (D)" button.
    → The selected data will be deleted.

    To modify the data, select the Construction in progress account data first, then click the "Modifying (G)" button.
    → The [Construction in progress account (modify screen)] will appear.

8.Modifying Construction in progress account data

→ To Menu Reference

  1. Modify the Construction in progress account data.
  2. If you want to add more Journal data to the list, click the "Jrnl Searching (J)" button.
    → The [Journal searching] screen will appear.  Refer to "9.Searching Journal data to be added."
  3. For the data including different Assets A/C types, click the "Div row (R)" button to divide the Journal data.
    → The [Divide row] screen will appear.  Refer to "11.Dividing Journal data."
  4. Complete the modification steps above, then click the "Save (S)" button.

In the following sections 9 - 10, procedures for modifying Journal data are described.

9.Searching Journal data to be added

  1. Enter the searching conditions.
  1. After entering the searching conditions, click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → The [Register construction in progress (modify screen)] screen will appear again.  In [Spread], the searched Journal data will be listed.

10.Adding Journal data

  1. In [Spread], check the [Registration object] check boxes for the Journal data you want to add as Construction in progress account data.
    When clicking the "Set all (H)" button, all of the check boxes for the Journal data will be checked.
  2. In [Spread], select the Construction/Commodity purchase code.
  3. Click the "Save (S)" button.

In the following section 11, procedure for dividing Journal data is described.

11.Dividing Journal data

 → To Menu Reference

  1. Select the row to be divided.
  2. Click the "Div row (R)" button.
    → The [Divide row] screen will appear.
  3. Divide the Amt corresponding to the number of rows so that "Divide balance" becomes to "0."  Enter the divided values in each row.
  4. After completing the dividing steps above, click the "OK (O)" button.
    → In [Spread], the divided Journal data will be displayed.


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