Depreciation maintenance
Fixed assets data Depreciation searched for
according to the Searching conditions is updated by layer in [Depreciation maintenance].
→ To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Fixed Assets Module]
[Depreciation maintenance]
[Depreciation maintenance]
"Detail" button → [Fixed assets details display] screen
Item Setup
[Searching items]
Item that can be entered in [Register fixed
assets] can be specified as Searching conditions. If the ">>>" button
is clicked, [Searching item1] and [Searching item2] switch.
Only the items particularly needed for comments such as items that are not on
the [Register fixed assets] entry screen are described below.
- Layer
A Required item. Check off one or more of "1"-"5" checkboxes.
- Status
Select " (Blank)," "Undepreciated," "Processing depreciation," "Depreciated," "Stop(idle),"
"Stop(others)" or "No depreciation."
Select "(Blank)" to search regardless of Depreciation status.
[Object list]
- Execute
Check off the checkbox for fixed assets data to be executed.
- Internal No.
- Assets No.
- Branch No.
- Assets name
- Layer
- PS year scheduled depreciation Amt
- PS year general depreciation Amt
- PS year SP depreciation Amt
- PS year increase depreciation Amt
The value of "Current year Depreciable Amt - Current year General Depreciable Amt - Current year SP depreciation Amt" is
- Std Term Depreciable Amt, Std Term General Depreciable Amt(1Month-12Month)
Can be entered only if the "Execute" checkbox is ON.
However, it cannot be entered if it falls into one of the following cases;
- Terms before the Transfer entry date
- Terms for which Depreciation auto-journal has been executed
- If Total of "Acquisition value - Opening book value +
Std Term Depreciable
Amt (1Month-12Month)" exceeds the Depreciable limit Amt
Terms before the term for which the depreciation method has been changed (Reduction Change)
Stop depreciation and Restart date Periods
Std Term SP discount Depreciable Amt (1Month-12Month)
Can be entered if the "Execute" checkbox is ON.
Can be entered only if "Depreciation calculation" of Fixed assets details
"SP depreciation".
The entry restrictions are different depending on the depreciation method.
For "Temporary depreciation":
No entry restrictions.
For "Extra depreciation":
The restrictions are the same as those of Std Term Depreciable Amt (1Month-12Month).
- Std Term Increase depreciation Amt(1Month-12Month)
The value of "Term Depreciable Amt Term General Depreciable Amt SP depreciation Amt by monthly" is displayed.
- Opening Total reduction difference
Can be entered only if the "Execute" checkbox is ON.
- Reduction difference
Can be entered only if the "Execute" checkbox is ON.
- Total reduction difference
"Opening Total reduction difference Reduction difference" is displayed.
- Details
If you select fixed assets data from [Object list] and click on it, then the [Fixed assets details display] screen is displayed to
confirm contents entered in the [Register fixed assets] screen.
- Refer
If clicked, a list of fixed assets data searched for is displayed in [Object list].
- Bulk Setup
- Bulk Cancel
- Execute
Depreciations for fixed assets data whose Depreciable Amt by monthly - General Depreciable Amt by monthly - SP depreciation Amt by monthly "Execute"
checkbox is ON are updated (calculation for the year after the specified year or later)
- Clear
- Exit