Offset claims/debts (from/to)
This function carries out offset settlement processing based on the collection plan data entered in the "Claims Control Module" and the payment plan data entered in the "Debts Control Module". Settlement of claims and settlement of debts can be conducted simultaneously in one process.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Claims Control Module]
[Offset Claims/Debts]
[Offset claims/debts (from/to)] screen
"Start" button → [Offset claims/debts
(Settle object list)] screen
Item Setup
This specifies the searching conditions for claims collection plan/debts payment plan data that is to be the object of settlement.
[Header] (Upper part of the screen)
- Type
Select "New" or "Modify/Delete".
- Settle entry date
- Settle currency
- Include foreign currency "Settle (SC)"
It is only displayed when selecting "Std currency" as "Settle currency". When the check box is switched on, foreign currency payment/collection plan data with "Settle (SC)" switched on in the payment/collection screen is also a settle object.
- Correspondent, correspondent group
[Collection plan
data] tab
- Entry type
Select from "Debts data" and "Sales data" in entry type. It is possible to make multiple selections.
- Settle type
Select from "Cash/cheque later", "T/F settle", "Notes receivable", "Prepay (auto-transfer)", "Prepay (not auto-transfer)", "Offset claims/debts/ Adv R-aprprt", and "Others". It is possible to make multiple selections.
- Expiration date
- Claims date
- Maturity date (displayed only when "Notes receivable" is selected in "Settle type")
- Debts data displayed only when the "Debts data" check box in "Entry type" is switched on.)
Prefix No., Internal No., and No., may be set up as searching conditions.
- Sales claims data (displayed only when "Sales claims debts data" check box in "Entry type" is switched on.)
Search type, Prefix No., Internal No., and No., may be set up as search conditions.
- D descript
- Claims Dept
- Settlement method
This sets the range for the claims settlement method. It is only possible to select the settlement methods checked in "Settle type".
- Item 1, 2 specified Combobox
Select from any of the six categories "Blank", "Flexible Master 1 - 3 (for collection plan)", "Receipt location" and "Update operator". Enter the search range for the selected item in the entry field. The same item cannot be set up for Item 1 and Item 2.
[Payment plan
data] tab
- Entry type
Select entry type from "Debts data" and "Purchase data". It is possible to make multiple selections.
- Settle type
Select from "cash/cheque later", "auto-transfer", "Brought-in T/F", "auto debit", "Adv R receive/Aprprt," "drawing of notes payable," "NR endorsement," "Claims offset/Adv R aprprt", "Other" and "suspended." It is possible to make multiple selections.
- Expiration date
- Debts entry date
- Maturity date (displayed only when "drawing of notes payable" is selected in "Settle type").
Specify the range of maturity date.
- Debts data (displayed only when the "Debts data" check box in "Entry type" is switched on.)
Prefix No., Internal No., and No., may be set up as search conditions.
- Purchase debts data (displayed only when "Purchase debts data" check box in "Entry type" is switched on.
Search type, Prefix No., Internal No., and No., may be set up as searching conditions.
- D descript code
- Debts Debts dept.
- Settlement method
This sets the range for the debts settlement method. It is only possible to select the settlement methods checked in "Settle type".
- (Item 1, 2 Combobox)
Select from any of the six categories "Blank", "Flexible Master 1 - 3 (for payment plan)", "Delivery location" and "Update operator". Enter the search range for the selected item in the entry field. The same item cannot be set up for Item 1 and Item 2.
- Clear
- Start
It starts up the (settle object list) screen and displays data to matches the setup content.
- Exit
The claims collection plan/debts payment plan data below is not searchable regardless of the search conditions.
- Data for which the "No settlement" check box is switched on at planning.
- Settled data
- Data in "Debts entry" and "Purchase entry" for which the "Auto-journal object" check box is not switched on and for which auto-journalizing is not conducted.
- Data with an approval status of "Unapproved" or "Denied"
- Plan data entered with a settle method that sets "No offset settle" in the Master setup to "on".
- Data for which the "B.A.C entried" check box is switched "on" whether settling or unsettled.