Receipt stamp duty setup
Set for the individual currencies the stamp
duty for a receipt amount.
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[Notes Receivable Module]
[Receipt stamp duty setup]
[Receipt stamp duty setup] screen
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Select a currency to set up.
Lower limit
Set the lower limit of the stamp duty object Amt. Negative amounts cannot be entered.
The first row is fixed at "0.00," which cannot be changed. When the cursor is moved after an
amount is entered, the "Maximum" of the previous row is automatically set.
The maximum for the stamp duty object Amt is
automatically displayed. This item
is for reference only and cannot be changed. The maximum Amt of the last row is always
Stamp duty
Enter a stamp duty for each row. Negative amounts cannot be entered.
Maximum divide number
Select the maximum divide number of receipts between "1" and "5" inclusive.
Minimum Amt of receipt
Set the minimum Amt of receipt after divide. Negative amounts cannot be
entered. Amounts equal to or
exceeding the maximum of the first row cannot be set.