Outline of Notes Receivable / Notes Payable Module
Function Outline
The [Notes receivable module] and the [Notes Payable Module] allows the entry of notes receivable / notes payable and checks, the status management of [Holdings], [Collection], [Discount], etc., the auto-journal of status to the accounting side, the output of forms for the purpose of due-date management, credit management, etc.
The system allows the management of notes receivable in 11 types and notes payable in 4 types. It also lists up notes that match the specified status, department, settlement date, etc in the [Change Status (Update notes receivable status / Update notes payable status)] screen and allows the change of the status of multiple notes in one bulk. In addition to the current claims / debt and remaining order placements and receipts, the balance of notes can also be included as an object of the credit amount.
In addition to the issuing of receipts for notes receivables with the interlocking with the claim-side, it is also possible to output lists and summary sheets by entry date, date of receipt, issue date, and due date. Also, by deleting data in the [Notes Entry (Notes receivable entry / Notes payable entry)] screen, it is possible to bring the status back to its original.
Menu Structure
Forms that can be output
The forms that can be output by using the [Notes receivable module] and the [Notes payable module] are as follows.
[Notes Receivable Module]
Form Names |
Function Outline |
Outputs the list of data for the receipt of notes receivables. |
Summarizes and lists up the notes receivables data that matches the specified conditions. The system allows specifying of ranges for "entry dates", "dates of receipt", and "due date" and the specifying of "currency" and "status." It is also possible to output details and Amt (SC). |
Outputs the list of actual settlements of notes receivable and claims. It will output a list of "collection / payment plan data", "settlement data", and "adjustment data" related to "notes receivable data." |
It will summarize and output notes receivable data based on specified conditions. In the summary, the system allows specifying of "entry date," "date of receipt," and "due date" ranges and the specifying of "currency" and "status" also. It is also possible to output details and to output Amt (SC). |
It will summarize and output the notes receivable data for the specified period. It allows the summarization of detailed specification of the period such as month / date, date intervals, and output days / months. |
Outputs notes receivable data status transition. |
[Notes Payable Module]
List Name |
Function Outline |
Outputs the list of notes payable data. The sorting sequence of output can be selected from "entry date," "issue date", "due date," "control no.," and "issue no." |
Outputs the list of settlements of notes payables and debts. It lists up and outputs the "payment plan data," and the "debts settlement data" that are related to the "notes data." |
It summarizes and outputs the notes payable data based on the specified conditions. In the summary, the system allows the specifying of "entry date," "issue date," and "period" ranges and also the specifying of "currency" and "status." Also, it is also possible to output by details and based on amount (SC). |
It summarizes and outputs the notes payable data for the specified period. It allows the summary based on specific periods such as month / date, monthly / daily intervals, and output days / months. |
For output of forms, refer here .
The Status of Notes
The status of the notes receivable can be divided in to the 11 types below. In the case of new entry of notes receivable, the "holdings" status appears in the beginning. The four types of statuses for notes payable are "drawing," "settle," "return," and "not controlled." In the case of new notes payable entry, the "drawing" status will appear at the beginning, and after changing the status in the "Change status" screen, the updated status will appear.
Status of notes payable / check |
Status Outline |
Holdings |
This is the status at the time of new notes payable entry. |
Collection |
This is the status in the case collection of costs are made from the bank you use to the bank you make your payment. |
Discount |
This is the status in the case financing is done by realization before expiration date, using banks as endorsees. |
Endorsement |
This is the status in the case claims are transferred to a third party by entering in the address and the name of the person to which the transfer will be made (endorsee) on the back side of the note or check. |
Endorsed sale |
This is the status in the case regular symbol notes are sold to the market (with retroaction). |
Buyout |
This is the status in the case finance is paid back to the bank side at the point of settlement due to the fact that the collection obligation is on the company although the regular symbol notes will be bought by the bank. |
Settle |
Status when the notes receivable has settled. |
Sale |
Status when blue chip issue notes will be sold to the market. |
Dishonor |
Status when notes receivables become dishonored. |
Return |
This is the status for when the notes received will be returned to the drawer due to a specific reason. |
Not Controlled |
This is the status for when a note that you drew comes back via the market, and when dishonored notes to be disposed will not be managed. |