Form - Committed repayment data list
Outputs a list of data that was entered using the [Repayment commit entry] screen. After entering the output conditions, click the "Start" button to display the confirmation dialog. An Excel or CSV file can be outputted from this screen.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Debts Control Module]
[Committed Repayment Data List]
[Committed repayment data list] screen
button → [Output destination] screen
Selection of output condition
Specify the items which can be input in the [Committed repayment data list] screen as search conditions.
The following is an explanation only of elements not present on the [Committed repayment data list] screen that particularly require explanation.
[Header] tab
- Repayment No.
Specify the repayment number that was assigned when the [Repayment commit entry] process was implemented.
- Entry date, repayment No.
Specify the sorting sequence for the data. The list of retrieved data will be displayed in the sequence of the entry date or repayment number.
- All, Header/borrowings, Header/cash equivalent
Select "All," "Header/borrowings," or "Header/cash equivalent" to specify the items to be displayed in the list of retrieved data.
Selecting "All"
Displays a list of all items entered using the [Repayment commit entry] screen.
Selecting "Header/borrowings"
Displays a list of items entered under the [Header] and [Borrowings] tabs, from the items entered using the [Repayment commit entry] screen.
Selecting "Header/cash equivalent":
Displays a list of items entered under the [Header] and [Cash Equivalent] tabs, from the items entered using the [Repayment commit entry] screen.
- Browse
When you select a macro file and click on this button, files will be displayed in a tree format for reference.
- Start
If you click on this button, the [Output destination] screen appears. Click on the "Excel output" or the "Create CSV" button, depending on your needs, and a journal voucher that meets your requirements will be outputted.
- Clear
- Exit