Suspended payment of expns/evening-up of expns list
→ To Operation Procedure
management module]
[Suspended payment of Expns/Evening-up of expns list data]
[Suspended payment of Expns/Evening-up
of expns list data] screen - [Header 1] tab
[Suspended payment of Expns/Evening-up of
expns list data] screen - [Header 2] tab
[Suspended payment of Expns/Evening-up of
expns list data] screen - [Detail]
[Main items]
- Update operator
Specify the range of the target data with the update operator code, name.
- Approval operator
Specify the range of the target data with the update operator code, name.
- Employee
Specify the range of the target data with the employee code, name.
- Department
Specify the range of the target data with the department code, name.
- Entry date
Specify the range of the target data with the entry date.
- Suspended payment of T-Expns
Specify the range of the target data with the traveling expense, suspended
payment of E-Expns No.
- Even-up T-Expns
Specify the range of the target data with the traveling expense, suspended
payment of E-Expns No.
[Expenses type]
- Carriage
- Contract price
- Lease price
- Repairs
- Rental cost
- Others
- V description
In accordance with the setup in the A/C property
master, entry will be either required, optional, or prohibited.
- Payment method
Either enter the debts settlement method code or
directly enter the description as text.
- Payment due date
The default display is "Entry date." Dates before the entry date cannot be
[Approval status]
- Unapproved
Turn the check box ON when specifying unapproved data as objects.
- Approved
Turn the check box ON when specifying approved data as objects.
- Denied
Turn the check box ON when specifying denied data as objects.
[Create type]
- Unexecuted
Turn the check box ON when specifying data with the create type as unexecuted
as objects.
- Executed
Turn the check box ON when specifying data with the create type as executed as
[Even-up type] (Not displayed in the case
of [Suspended payment of T-Expns list] and [Suspended payment of E-Expns list])
- No even-up
Turn the check box ON when specifying data with the even-up type as no even-up
as objects.
- Evened-up
Turn the check box ON when specifying data with the even-up type as evened-up
as objects.
Select the sort specification from "Entry
date" and "Suspended payment/even-up voucher No." The default status is "Entry date."
- Entry date
- Suspended payment/even-up voucher No.
When applying Microsoft-Excel Macro at the
time of output, specify the Macro file and Macro name.