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Procedure for Suspended payment of t-expns entry, suspended payment of e-expns entry, and suspended payment of expns entry (std and foreign)


Enter the suspended payment data for traveling expenses, entertainment expenses, and expenses.
The entry method of the suspended payments for these expenses is basically the same.  This section explains the procedure using the suspended payment of travel expenses entry as an example.

1.Screen display method

  1. Click "Suspended payment of T-Expns entry"
     →  The [Header information entry] screen will appear.

2.Header information entry

 →  To Menu Reference

  1. Enter information such as "Employee code," "Job title," and "Voucher entry Dept."
  2. Click the "New entry" button.
     →  The [Detail information entry] screen will appear.

3.Detail information entry

  →  To Menu Reference

  1. Enter "Entry date," "D description," "Amt," etc.
  2. Click the "Commit" button.
      →  Return to the Header information entry screen.  The detail information entered in the spread will be displayed.

4.Suspended payment application amt entry

  1. Enter the "Suspended payment application amt."  Amounts exceeding the "Suspended payable amt" cannot be entered.
  2. Click the "Save" button.

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