Payment list of expenses management data - [Payment item] tab
→ To Operation Procedure
management module]
[Payment list of expenses management data]
[Payment list of expenses management
data] screen - [Header 1] tab
[Payment list of expenses management
data] screen - [Header 2] tab
[Payment list of expenses management
data] screen - [Payment item] tab
- Settle method
Either enter the debts settlement method code or directly enter the description
name as text.
- Debts Dept
Specify the debts department of the data to be searched.
- Expiration date
Specify the range of expiration dates.
The default display is the "system date - system date."
- Sub A/C
- A/C
- Debts A/C (Cr)
Specify the debts A/C (Cr) of the data to be searched.
- Sub (Cr) (Displays when "Sub A/C"
is selected)
Specify the Sub (Cr) of the data to be searched.
- D description
Specify the D description of the data to be searched.
- T/F applicant name
Specify the T/F applicant name of the data to be searched.
- Own financial Inst
Specify the company's own financial institution of the data to be searched.
- Bank account
Specify the bank account of the company's own financial institution for the
data to be searched.
- Corresp's financial Inst
Specify the corresp's financial institution of the data to be searched.
- Bank account
Specify the bank account of the correspondent's financial institution to be
- Project code 1, 2, Name
Specify the range of the target data with the project code, name.
- Accounting analysis code 1, 2, Name
Specify the range of the target data with the accounting analysis code, name.
[Settled status]
Select the settlement status of the data
to be searched from "Unsettled," "Settling," "Settled," and "INCLUDE B.A.C.
ENTRIED." (All statuses will be selected when left blank).
- Unsettled
- Settling
- Settled
Select the sort specification from "Entry
date" and "Suspended payment /Even-up voucher No." The default status is "Entry date."
- Entry date
- Traveling Exp/E-Expns/Exp No.
- All
- Header/Detail
- Header/Payment plan
When applying Microsoft-Excel Macro at the
time of output, specify the Macro file and Macro name.