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Procedure for output form


This function searches the accounting data output to the form, and sets the output format to Excel or CSV format. The form output methods are the same. This explanation uses the output of the quotation list as an example.

1. Screen Display Method

  1. Select [Sales] → [Sales Order] → [Forms].
  2. Select a form from the menu. ([Quotation List], [Sales Order List], [Sales Order Balance List], [Sales Order Delivery Delay List], [Sales Order Summary Sheet], [Shipping Schedule List])
    → The screen for outputting each form is displayed.

2.Searching Conditions Entry

→To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching conditions for the accounting data to be output.
  2. Click on the "Start (A)" button.
    → A dialog box to set the output format will be displayed.

3. Output Format Setup

  1. When outputting as an Excel file (when the form has a maximum 65,000 rows), click on the "Excel output (Y)" button.
    The form image (Excel screen) will be displayed.
  2. When outputting as a CSV file (when the form has at least 65,000 rows), click on the "Create CSV (F)" button.
    → The Save to set up screen will be displayed. Change the file name as necessary and save.

    It is also possible to name and save an Excel file.

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