Execute GUI No. numbering
Executes bulk numbering of the GUI No.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Sales Control Module]
[Execute GUI No. Numbering]
[Execute GUI No. numbering] screen
Item setup
[GUI No. Numbering Type]
[Voucher Type]
The following items are listed for the sales data. To confirm the details of the sales data, select the desired data and click the "Detail (D)" button.
[GUI No. Setup]
[Spreadsheet ]
Displays the GUI No. setup for the period that was used to execute the sales data search. The items set up from the [GUI No. Numbering Setup]
of the [Logistics Master Module] are displayed. [Buttons]
Displays the last GUI No. that was assigned.
Displays the last entry date for the sales voucher to which a GUI No. was assigned.
This is already marked "ON", when setting up an additionally acquired GUI No.
Displays the numbering setup for the GUI No.
Set all ON/OFF the Object of execute numbering checkboxes in the sales data, spreadsheet section.
Displays the details of the searched sales data. The sales data details cannot be modified.
Searches and lists the sales data that matches the specified term and entry date.
For the search object, only data for which the "Set all" option was selected for the GUI No. can be used.
Executes GUI No. numbering for the data selected as the object of execute numbering.