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Procedure for flow of item summary reference


Specify A/C, items and entry dates to search for data and refer carry-forward balances by drilldown.

1.Screen display method

  1. Select [Disclosure]  →  [Basic Console]  →  [Tracking Console].
  2. Select [Refer Item Summary] from the menu.
    → The [Refer item summary] screen appears.

2.Searching conditions entry

→To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching conditions of item summary reference (retrieval of all items with "*" is not available).
  2. Click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → The [Tracking console 2] screen appears.
    You can save the data in an Excel file under a desired filename.

3.Result sorting

→To Menu Reference

  1. Click the "" (Sort) button.
    → The [Sort] screen appears.
  2. Up to 3 sort keys can be specified to sort the results for easy viewing.

4.Result filtering

  1. Click the "" (Column Searching) button.
  2. Select the header of the columns to search and enter searching conditions. Fuzzy search is available. In this example, rows with "-100000" under "Carry-forward Balance" are retrieved.
    →The rows that match the searching conditions are highlighted with blue.

5.Drilldown search

  1. Double-click the detail row to check in detail or click the detail row followed by the "Detail (D)" button.
    →The [Tracking Console 3] screen appears.


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