Offset claims/debts (Exe)
This enters settle data details. It is also possible to carry out differential adjustment using the "Adjustment entry" button.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
Control Module]
[Offset Claims/Debts]
[Offset claims/debts (from/to)] screen
[Offset claims/debts (Settlement object list)] screen
[Offset claims/debts (Exe)] screen
"Details entry" button → [Offset claims/debts (Details entry)] screen
"Adjustment entry" button → [Offset claims/debts (Adjustment entry)] screen
Item setup
[Common Item] (Upper part of screen)
- Settle entry date
- Settle internal No.
- Offset settle No.
- Correspondent(Correspondent group)
- Auto-journal object
Switch check on when conducting auto-journalizing.
- Voucher internal No.
It enters the voucher internal No. It is read only and cannot be modified.
- Voucher No.
It enters the voucher No. This item is not displayed when "Auto-journal" is off.
- Settle currency
- Rate type, rate
It enters the settle rate type and rate when "Foreign currency" is selected as "Settle currency".
The rate type is set at "none" and the rate is also set at "1.000000" when "Std currency" is selected as "Settle currency".
- Data level
It enters the data level of the auto-journal voucher. This item is not displayed when the "Auto-journal
object" check box is switched off.
- Settlement Amt
The settlement amount entered on the "Settle object list" screen is displayed, and it may be modified.
[Settle Amount Spreadsheet]
- Unsettled balance (claims)
It summarizes and displays the "collection plan unsettled balance" which is displayed in the [Collection plan spreadsheet].
- Unsettled balance (debts)
It gives a summarizes and displays the "payment plan unsettled balance" which is displayed in the [Payment plan spreadsheet].
- Settle claims Amt (A)
It summarizes and displays the "total settle Amt" set in the [Collection plan spreadsheet].
- Settle debts Amt (B)
It summarizes and displays the "total settle Amt" set in the [Payment plan spreadsheet].
- Adjustment Amt (C=expense-profit)
It summarizes and displays the "adjustment Amt" (total enter expenses Amt - total enter profit Amt) entered in the [Adjustment entry] screen.
- Difference (=A-B-C)
It displays the difference (Settle claims Amt (A) - Settle debts Amt (B) - Adjustment Amt (C=expense-profit)).
Settle Exe cannot be carried out when the difference is not 0.
[Collection Plan Data Spreadsheet] (Center of screen)
This selects the "Settle claims row" and sets the "settle amount".
- Entry type
- Accountee code , Name
- D description code , Name
- Internal No.
- No.
- Item code , Name
- Expiration date
- Claims entry date
- Settlement method code , Name
- Claims dept code , Name
- Own financial Inst code , Name
- Own bank account code , Name
- Claims currency
- Settle (SC)
The status of the "Settle currency " checkbox set at time of entry is displayed.
- Collection plan Amt
- Collection plan Amt (SC)
The amount of the "Collection plan Amt" converted into std currency is displayed.
- Unsettled balance
- Unsettled balance (SC)
- Settle object
The check box for the collection plan row for which settlement is being conducted is switched on.
- Receiving Amt/Paying Amt
This enters the amount being settled. Entry is only possible for rows where "Settle" is switched on.
- Settle claims Amt
- Update operator code , Name
[Payment Plan Data Spreadsheet] (Lower part of screen)
This selects settle debts object row and sets the settle amount.
- Entry type
- Payee code , Name
- D description code , Name
- Internal No.
- No.
- Item code , Name
- Expiration date
- Debts entry date
- Settlement method code , Name
- Debts dept code , Name
- Own financial Inst code , Name
- Own bank account code , Name
- Debts currency
- Settle (SC)
The status of the "Settle (SC)" checkbox set at time of entry is displayed.
- Payment plan Amt
- Payment plan Amt (SC)
The amount of the "Payment plan Amt" converted into standard currency is displayed.
- Unsettled balance
- Unsettled balance (SC)
- Settle
The check box for the payment plan row for which settlement is being conducted is switched on.
- Receiving Amt/Paying Amt
This enters the amount being settled. Entry is only possible for rows where "Settle object" is switched on.
- Settle debts Amt
- Update operator code , Name
- Settle Amt
It resets the collection plan data and payment plan data based on the amount set in "Settlement Amt".
- Name 1/2
- Clear row
This clears content entered in the cursor row.
- Details entry
This starts up the [Details entry] screen.
- Bulk setup
This sets "Auto-journal Exe" to "on" for all.
- Cancel all
This sets "Auto-journal Exe" to "off" for all.
- Adjustment entry
This starts up the [Adjustment entry] screen.
- Start
This executes offset settle processing.
- Exit