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Create monthly payment notice data - "New"

Monthly payment notice data can be prepared from the debts and purchase debts data.
Based on this data prepared, monthly payment notices can be issued using [Issue monthly payment notice].
 → To Operation Procedure

Screen Transition

[Debts Control Module]
[Create monthly payment notice data]
[Create monthly payment notice data
(from/to)] screen - "New" button
 "Create" button   →  [Create monthly payment notice data (details)] screen
[Create monthly payment notice data (from/to)] screen - "Modify/Delete" button

Item description

Depending on the selection made on the "New, Modify/Delete" frame, part of the screen switches, and it is possible to change between new and modify/delete processing.


[Searching items]

[Spread] (searching results)

When the [Enter] key is pressed after entry for "From," "To," "Voucher issue Dept," or "Invoice description," the contents entered will be copied to the cells below that row.



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