Sales order to expanded purchase order (SO expanded PO)
Create purchase order data for sales order data on the [SO expanded PO] screen. For the purchase order method, select either "sales order simultaneous purchase order" to create one purchase order data item from one sales order data item, or "product expanded purchase order" to create purchase order data for each structure of sales order goods.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Purchase Order Module]
[Expanded Purchase Order (Sales Order Searching (from/to)]
[Expanded purchase order searching (from/to)] screen
button → [Sales order searching
(Object list) (Expanded purchase order)] screen
button → [SO expanded PO] screen
Item setup
[Sales order information]
Sales order internal No., Sales order No.
Displays information about the sales order data selected with the [Sales order searching (object list) (expanded purchase order)] screen.
Purchase order method
Select "Sales order goods" to create a "sales order simultaneous purchase order" or "Expand subsidiary goods" for a "product expanded purchase order."
[Sales order information] - spreadsheet
Displays the following information about the sales order data selected with the [Sales order searching (object list) (expanded purchase order)] screen. Details of a type other than "Merchandise" are displayed in gray and cannot be a target for expansion.
Expand sub goods
Checkbox is ON for sales order data targeted for an expanded purchase order.
After clicking the "Start" button to create a "sales order simultaneous purchase order," the "Ordered" checkbox will be checked ON. A "SO expanded PO" cannot be created when the "Ordered" checkbox is ON.
Expanded sub goods
After clicking the "Start" button to create a "product expanded purchase order," the "Expanded sub goods" checkbox will be checked ON. A "product expanded purchase order" cannot be created when the "Expanded sub goods" checkbox is ON. However, it is possible to create a "product expanded purchase order" for unordered purchase order data in the [Purchase order information] spreadsheet.
Goods/Charges code, Name
Goods/Charges type
Displays either "Merchandise," "Charges," or "VAT."
Details of a type other than "Merchandise" cannot be a target for expansion
Approval status
Displays either "Released," "Compulsorily released," or "Released at sales order."
"Approval status" is "(Blank)" when the sales order data is on "HOLD" or "Re-HOLD."
Packing Qty, Packing unit, Qty
Displays "(Blank)" when the goods in the specified sales order data are entered with "Unit conversion," and displays the "packing quantity," "packing unit," and "quantity" registered in [Register packing unit] in the [Logistics master module] when entered with "Packing conversion."
Unit Qty
Displays the "quantity" x "packing quantity" when the goods in the specified sales order data are entered with "Packing conversion."
Std unit
Product structure code, Name
Enter only when the "Expand subsidiary goods" checkbox is ON. Registration is not possible when the product structure of the sales order goods is not registered with [Register product structure] in the [Logistics master module].
Standard composition Qty, Std unit
Packing composition Qty, Packing unit
Required Qty
Delivering date
[Purchase order information] - spreadsheet
Displays purchase order data based on the sales order data as well as specified content in the [Sales order information]. Enter and modify necessary items.
Purchase order
Checkbox is ON for purchase order data targeted for an expanded purchase order.
After clicking the "Start" button to create either a "sales order simultaneous purchase order" or a "product expanded purchase order," the "Ordered" checkbox will be checked ON. A "sales order simultaneous purchase order" or "product expanded purchase order" cannot be created when the "Ordered" checkbox is ON.
Detail type
Displays the initial "detail type" of the specified sales order data.
Payee code, Name
Displays the vendor registered for initial display with "Register goods" as the payee.
Vendor code, Name
Displays the vendor registered for initial display with "Register goods."
Dept code, Name
Displays the initial "dept code and name" of the specified sales order data.
In charge code, Name
Displays the initial "in charge code and name" of the specified sales order data.
Delivering Destination type
Displays the initial "delivery destination type" of the specified sales order data.
Delivering Destination, Name
Displays the initial "delivery destination and name" of the specified sales order data.
Internal No., Purchase order No., Purchase order No. (prefix No.), Purchase order No. (numbering)
Click the "Start" button to display numbering information of registered purchase order data.
Row No.
Click the "Start" button to display the row number of details for an expanded purchase order.
Goods group
Goods/Charges code, Name
Displays the code for each type according to the "Goods/Charges type" in the [Sales order information].
Charges type, Taxable type code, Name
Displays information on charges entered with sales order data when the "Detail type" in the [Purchase order information] is "Charges."
Tax type
Select either "None," "External," or "Internal."
Required Qty
Displays the "unit quantity" in the [Sales order information] when the specified sales order data is "unit conversion," or the "package quantity" in the [Sales order information] when the specified sales order data is "packing conversion."
Displays the "standard unit" in the [Sales order information] when the specified sales order data is "unit conversion," or the "packing unit" in the [Sales order information] when the specified sales order data is "packing conversion."
Purchase order Qty, Unit
Displays the initial "required quantity" and "unit."
Displays the initial "currency" of the specified sales order data. The currency can be changed.
Rate type
A "rate type" can be selected when a currency other than the standard currency has been selected.
Exchange rate
Unit price setup, Current unit price, Amt before tax, Tax Amt, Delivering date
Displays information about the specified sales order data.
Set all
Cancel all
Add row
Del row
After purchase order data has been registered by clicking the "Start" button, select and click purchase order data with the "Ordered" checkbox ON to display the [Purchase order entry] screen and confirm the details of purchase order data.
Start (in [Sales order information])
Click to create purchase order data for sales order data that has the "Expand sub goods" checkbox ON.
Click to create an expanded purchase order for purchase order data that has the "Purchase order" checkbox ON.