Production entry - Actual production tab
Enter the production (actual production) against the production schedule.
Production can be entered more than one time until it reaches the scheduled quantity (Total good >= Scheduled Qty).
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Production Control Module]
[Production Entry]
[Production entry] screen - [Actual production] tab
[Production entry] screen - [Actual
use] tab
Item setup
[Header (main item)]
Production entry date
Production internal No.
Prod Schdl Vchr No.
Production schedule No.
Enter a number when entering the production (actual production) against the production schedule.
Manufacturing No.
BOM(Displays only when "Material processing type" is selected in [Logistics parameter] )
Production qualified Qty (displayed only when "BOM" has been entered)
Production defective Qty (displayed only when "BOM" has been entered)
Evidence No.
File Name
[Header (sub item)]
Flexible Master 1 - 3
Flexible Date 1, 2
Flexible Amt 1, 2
Post pad
[Detail (main item)]
Goods Code
Incoming Dest Dept
Location code (displayed only when [Incoming Dest Dept] is an object of location control)
Unit/Packing Entry
Select either "Unit" or "Packing Entry." When "Packing Entry" has been selected, select a packing unit with the pull-down menu.
Unit Qty (displayed only when "Packing Entry" has been selected)
Good Qty
An amount entered is added to "Total good."
When "Packing Entry" has been selected, the result of "Unit Qty × Good Packing Qty" is automatically entered.
Waste Qty
An amount entered is added to "Total waste goods."
When "Packing entry" has been selected, the result of "Unit Qty × Waste goods packing Qty" is automatically entered.
Unit Price (Std)
Actual Unit Price
Unit Qty
Good Packing Qty
Waste Goods Packing Qty
Production Amt
The result of "Actual Unit Price × Good Qty" is automatically entered.
Status (displayed only when [production schedule No.] has been entered)
"Not started," "Manufacturing" or "Settled" is displayed. The status can be changed.
If [Total good] is changed (Total good < Scheduled Qty) when in the "Not started" status, it automatically changes to "Manufacturing."
If [Total good] is changed (Total good >= Scheduled Qty) when in the "Not started" or "Manufacturing" status, it automatically changes to "Settled."
Scheduled Qty (displayed only when [production schedule No.] has been entered)
Total Good (displayed only when [production schedule No.] has been entered)
Total Waste Goods (displayed only when [production schedule No.] has been entered)
Percentage of defective(%) (displayed only when [production schedule No.] has been entered)
Percentage of defective (Total waste goods/(Total good + Total waste goods) × 100) is displayed.
Manufacturing No.
Analysis code 1, 2
[Detail (sub item)]
Flexible Master 1 - 3
Flexible Date 1, 2
Flexible Amt 1, 2
Flexible Qty 1, 2
The information on the detail selected in the [Header] is listed.