Bulk update of unit price
Update the unit prices (sales unit price,
purchase unit price, and unit price (Std)) registered in [Register unit price] in batch.
[Master management]
[Logistics master]
[Bulk update of unit price]
[Bulk update of unit price] screen
- Search and bulk setup of
update goods
When the "Searching" button is clicked, the unit
prices within the valid term will be selected from those that match the
searching conditions, and will be displayed in the spread reflecting the new
unit prices and new terms setup in [Condition after update].
[Condition after update]
New unit price
When setting up new unit prices of unit prices that match the searching
conditions in bulks, specify the unit price after update as the percentage (%)
of the old unit price.
New term
When setting up new terms for the unit prices that match the searching
conditions in bulks, specify the ranges of terms after update. Specify either the new start date or
the new end date.
- Individual entry of update
Confirm the new unit prices and new terms setup in [Condition
after update]. Individual changes
of values that have been setup in bulks can be made. When excluding unit prices from the update, delete them from
the screen with the "Del row" button.
Correspondent, Name, Goods, Name, Currency, Packing, Qty, Current
unit price, Term (start), Term (eng)
The contents registered in [Register unit price]
will be displayed.
The unit prices where the "Correspondent" is displayed as "00000000000000000000,"
are common unit prices applied when specific unit prices have not been
registered for the correspondents. Even when unit prices that match the "correspondent" and the "Goods"
entered in the searching conditions do not exist, the common unit price will be
displayed on the spread.
When there are overlaps between the "New term" period entered in [Condition
after update] and the old term period, the "Term (start)" and / or the "Term (eng)"
will display in red.
New unit price
Enter the unit price after the update.
Make an entry with up to 7 integer numbers +4 decimal numbers.
When entries have already been made in [Condition after update], the new unit
price calculated with the specified rate will be displayed. Changes can be made.
New term (from)
Enter the start date of the period after update.
When the start date for the "New term" has been entered in [Condition after update],
the specified new start date will be displayed. Changes can be made.
New term (to)
Enter the end date of the period after the update.
When the end date for the "New term" has been entered in [Condition after update],
the specified new end date will be displayed. Changes can be made.
Del row
When excluding the rows selected on the spread from the bulk update, click this
button. They will only be deleted from the spread, and the actual unit price
data will not be deleted.