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Voucher approval

In the Voucher approval, we narrow the range of vouchers as objects in [Searching Items] and then approve them in the [Spreadsheet].
→To Operation Procedure

Screen Transition

[General Accounting Module]
[Voucher approval] screen
    "Detail" button  → [Journal data details] screen

Item Setup

[Searching Items]


When you select a condition in the [Searching Items] and click the "Refer" button, a list of applicable vouchers display.



  1. Enter any numbering No. on the top row, so-called the "Numbering Column" where you want to apply the increment feature.
  2. On the next row, so-called the "Numbering Column," enter a number by "adding 1 to the numbering number entered in the 1."
  3. Select the cells where you made entry in the 1. and 2. and invert them.
  4. Move a cursor on the next row and drag the number to the bottom row where you want to apply the increment feature, and auto-numbering will be performed on the "Numbering Column".

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