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Parameter Setup

Set the parameters to lay the foundation of A.S.I.A. operation.  These parameters include the setting of whether auto-journals are needed, auto-journal A/C, initial display A/C, and so on.
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Screen Transition

[Server applications]
[System Custodian]
[Parameter Setup]
[Parameter Setup]
[Parameter Setup] screen - [Parameter setup 1], [Parameter setup 2], and [A/C setup1 - 3]tabs

Item Setup - [Parameter setup 1] tab

  1. Setting the parameter(1)
    Set the parameters involving the system operation in general, such as VAT control or depreciation journalizing system in the accounting subsystem.

Item Setup - [Parameter setup 2] tab

  1. Setting the parameter(2)
    Set the parameters involving system operation in general, such as fraction adjustment type, Input/Output date format, and so on.

Item Setup - [A/C setup1-3] tab

The above is an example of [A/C setup1] tab.

  1. Setting A/C 1
    Set the A/C for use in Cash A/C, Profit carry-forward A/C, Exchange gain and loss A/C, and Expenses management suspended payment A/C.
  1. Setting A/C 2
    Click [A/C setup2] tab to make settings on the initial display of VAT A/C and the A/C for use in [Bank account control Module].
  1. Setting A/C 3
    Click [A/C setup3] tab to make settings on the A/C for use in [Execute deferred tax accounting] in [Deferred tax accounting Module].


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