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Debt entry - Header tab

Enter debts directly in cases such as when Purchase is not used.
→To Operation Procedure

Screen Transition

[The Unpaid Control Module]
[Debt Entry]
[Debt entry] screen - Header Tab
    "Read Ptrn" button →  [Read claim pattern] screen
    "Regist Ptrn" button → [Register claim pattern] screen
[Debt entry] screen - Details tab
[Debt entry] screen - Collection plan tab

Item Setup

Click the ">>>(0)"button on the right side of the upper part of the screen to switch the display between the [Main Item] and the [Sub Item].

[Main Item] (on the upper part of the screen)

[Sub Item] (on the upper part of the screen)

[Payment Method] (in the lower part of the screen)

While it is possible to enter the payment plan data in several rows using the Payment Plan tab (the third tab), it is also possible to specify the main item of the first row of the payment plan data in this [Payment Method].

[Correspondent's Bank Account (EB) Transmission]


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